Changing Clothes [Worlds: 5-3]

Santa 1880

It's time for me to retire the outfit and change clothes!

What will come next? I don't know, but this was fun:
2nd CoS [NO ICE!!] Barf Thule 🤮 (4-1)
... And maybe watchout for an AoT :)


For runner see:
- Unbananas [Worlds: 5-3]

I've had a wonderful time playing outfit my first tournament season:

  1. Too Big Two Deal (2nd [3-1], and 4th [3-1] @Vancouver CO)
  2. Too Big News Deal (4th of 20 @Seattle CO)
  3. 1st APAC: Santa's Workshop [Swiss: 7-0, Cut: 3-1]
  4. An Apple a Day [5th, and 6th @Cascadia/NA Continentals]
  5. 5th @Interconts [DEFEATED]: The Brother Brawler!

This is my 6th, and final version of the list!

Tournament Results [5-3]:

The losses

  1. vs Esâ
    • Esâ is an extremely hard matchup for Big Deal Outfit, as the general playstyle gives up central accesses late.
  2. vs Hosh
    • I was in a position to win so long as 2 agendas weren't sitting on top of R&D, but unfortunately R&D did not hold.
  3. vs Hosh
    • The runner hit 3 points off R&D turn one
    • No econ cards really showed up, making me have to Pivot for my Too Big to Fails, and never seeing a Hostile Takeover
    • The runners rig was setup far faster than I could do anything about, and I simply lost after that point without much ability to defend myself.

The 3rd loss is the main reason I'm planning to switch off Big Deal Outfit:

  • It can have games it blows the runner out of the water, and win any matchup, but it can also have games where it folds entirely not drawing any of the pieces.
  • All decks have variance, but I've found the variance of Big Deal Outfit to be a bit higher, and other decks have now caught up to it in power level since the rotation.


I can't believe it's only been 6 months!

I have been astounded by this community, and what an absolute joy it's been!

Joining Bost has been so fun, and I'm so proud of what we've done!

ECG you have been such a welcoming and lovely community.

Unband, thanks for the Bananas, and the place to stay after worlds. Was great to meet you all!

I look forward to many more memories, continuing to meet new, and old players, and seasons to come!

However, here's a few shoutouts from this year (no particular order):

  • Maninthemoon thanks for getting me into this game, and well everything else
  • Whiteblade you truly fueled the competitive spirit within the Seattle meta, and have always been a highlight to play
  • Radiant thanks for being an exceptional TO, Judge, teammate, and bringing more tournaments to the Seattle area
  • Jai for being such a positive aspect of the 2023 season. Here's to meeting each other is 2024!
  • Rongydoge you truly taught me the horrors of NEH, which I will never forget
  • Bridgeman thanks for helping me adjust to a competitive mindset
  • Sokka you were not wrong... I was hooked :)
  • FireRL thanks for providing those "give me anything yellow" practice games before the APAC cut
  • Binkbonkle for the best mats of all time!
  • Wentagon with fire naming! ;)
  • ThatsNoMun highest placing Bost!
  • Encoder piloting my list higher than me :)
  • Solomir will not forget those first grands!
  • Chromatically oppo sports!
  • Wikignometry for having more games on my own list
  • Dragons1rule teaching me to respect RPC + Beale (my favorite loss)
  • RotomAppliance for the Crown of Servers streamed match. Perfectly dissecting every single one of my Thule's win conditions.
  • BoreholeAg a true mystery
  • DeeR for unknowingly providing my first runner deck
  • And all around everyone else who I've met, and played this season!

Here's to the beginning of season two, and shopping for new clothes!

PS: now will people please stop eliminating me with my own list :p