Hooligans on the floor! (1st @ Naarm Startup CO)

HaverOfFun 879

(this list is fully Bemi's Super Sebastião with the minor changes of -1 Creative Commission, -1 Valentina Ferreira Carvalho for +1 Bahia Bands and +1 Career Fair)

Based strongly on the thinking behind my corp, I expected Punitive Counterstrike Weyland Consortium: Built to Last to be absolutely everywhere in startup in this meta cause Charlotte Caçador gets credits like it's nothing and the ability to run 6x 5/3s as well as expensive ice means it's just a very solid deck. I thought it was super hard to beat until I got absolutely ruined by the Sebastião deck above a few times. This runner list has such an unbelievable value engine that you are very likely to be richer than the BtL if they keep advancing Charlotte every turn and installing ice and you get Earthrise Hotel to draw you into the absurd amount of credits this can generate.

K2CP Turbine being out of the format was rough until I saw what the hooligan Arruaceiras Crew could do! (The once per turn use limitation isn't really bad cause you're either cracking the remote or archives - and Hermes kinda lets you do both)

On the day I beat a scoring RH and 2x BtLs (1 scoring and 1 punitive) and I lost to Vale's PD that just managed to go too fast behind a Tollbooth before I could challenge the remote or steal the last SaM from RnD (TAI Breakers too cracked).

Thanks to kror for testing this with me, Bemi for the awesome list and the Naarm meta for being super supportive and cool!

8 Apr 2024 oneofus

This looks very good in start-up 😻

9 Apr 2024 HaverOfFun

@oneofus yeah I've found it to be quite solid against any corp except maybe a PD if they get a fast start and you don't it can be pretty hard to catch up - but any corp that gives you any amount of time before they start seriously threatening scores is in trouble

9 Apr 2024 Tacomental

This looks great! Few things I've been I've been enjoying in my build:

  • Juli Moreira Lee to great effect to maintain tempo.
  • Banner alongside Cleaver to help me bust through big Weyland Ice when I just need in.
  • T400 Memory Diamond alongside the Diesel/Earthrise draw engine to be able to mostly stay at 6 cards as an extra insurance vs Punative.

I've loved Seb the tag dancer overall. Ice carver feels so clutch I've also done a build with 1 of those and 2 Meeting Of The Minds so I can tutor the carver when I have the crew or crew if I don't have it. It is not uncommon for it to be a 0 credit tutor when grabbing crew.

31 Jan 2025 Truocnateb

@TacomentalWhat would you replace for the cards you mentioned?