Outfit (1st @ Frozen Summer Showdown)

eBentl 35

published by AlwaysBeRunning.net

28 Jul 2024 somefish

That Isaac start was so fast! What are your thoughts about the Mestnichestvo and Bran influence imports? Have you considered Snares :^)

28 Jul 2024 eBentl

@somefish the influence cost definitely isn’t a concern with them given that I have spare, Mestni obviously pairs well with both Isaac and Wall to Wall and Bran still feels like the most consistent choice for big ice.

Spending the last influence on a snare or two is probably an excellent idea given that decks like Kit can lock down R&D without too much difficulty, but I’m not sure what I would cut - probably a Too Big, could maybe also lose a Tucana or Wall to Wall

30 Jul 2024 FastFood

This list is very cool. I’m a little surprised to see 2x Brân 1.0 and 2x Mestnichestvo but that does help keep things very even and tidy. If I was to play 3x of one and 1x of the other which one do you feel is stronger in this list/meta?

30 Jul 2024 maninthemoon

Watching this pop off in the finals was wild. I'm definitely a lot more concerned about outfit XD. Congrats on the win, very cool list! Thanks for playing ❤️

30 Jul 2024 eBentl

@FastFood I'd 3x the Bran for sure, Mestni's primarily a cute include with Isaac but Bran is the more reliable one

30 Jul 2024 eBentl

Thanks @maninthemoon! Was a fun event, the deck definitely has some bad draw dependency but it feels real good when it fires