Tax Man 3-1 @NANPC Montreal 2024-08-24

Diogene 4539

Oppression by tags. Went 3-1 in Swiss at NANPC Montreal (7th of 34).

Went to top cut, but lost vs Paul on Lat: Ethical Freelancer.

Game plan : Tag, tag and tag again, then flatline the runner.

Mulligan plan : ice or Oppo Research.

One ice of every kind possibly forces the runner to install every breaker, thus slowing the runner.

Based on the deck I brought to the last GNK in Montreal.

I noticed that I needed a proactive way to deal with the runner, instead of just waiting for the runner to mess up. Here are the changes:

This reflects the lessons learned from practice :

  1. I never won a game with False Lead scored.
  2. I need more economy.
  3. Tutoring the needed operation is needed.
  4. Having an extra chance to score a 3 points Project Beale is worth it.
  5. I need to be able to reduce the card count of the runner below 4 with only one tag, hence the Reaper Function.

Big shoutout to Andrej and the organizers of the event. And a special mention for Maddie, who crochet an amazing bird mascot for everyone coming to the event.

Thanks to all participants, it was a blast!


26 Aug 2024 Disk Elemental

Regolith x2 and Behold! x1 for a playset of YDLs should take care of your econ issues.

26 Aug 2024 Diogene

@Disk Elemental that's a worthwhile experiment. YDL can bring good amount of econ. That is an interesting take!

26 Aug 2024 Disk Elemental

If you try it, you'll definitely want the 3rd Rashida. She turbo-charges YDL's effectiveness.