Legality (show more) |
Standard Banlist 24.09 (latest) |
Startup Ban List 24.09 (ignore active date) (active) |
Rotation |
Deck valid after Sixth Rotation |
Upgraded version of Mercury v2000.
Icebreaker-less Mercury, because breakers only bothers this deck.
Changes to previous version:
-2 Bankroll, -3 Aeneas Informant,
+1 Bravado, +2 Falsified Credentials, +1 Daily Casts.
Works better and faster than previous version. This deck requires a little bit different thinking than usual Lat you play. As we utilize only bypass to avoid ICEs, it's less important which ICE we encounter (but still important: Anansi, Ping etc.). The most important is how many ICEs protects attacked server, and how many corp can rez. It doesn't matter that we need to sacrifice 2, sometimes 3 cards for "only" one breach, because we access 2-3-4 cards, and most bypasses still requires from corp to rez ICE. Because it's bypass we can calculate if run will be successful before it even starts. Downsides? Can be halted pretty hard by some decks. Besides that we focus mostly on central servers, access to remotes is limited. Late game don't have to be bad as threat 4 gaves us some powerful tools.