Scoring Only PD for System Gateway-only Fargo meetup 3/15/25

Grosseteste 195

In my System Gateway-only Corp decks so far, it's been fun to build in various kinds of traps, tagging, and punishment/damage, usually dedicating a substantial part of influence for that, and a clutch flatline is pretty fun. For this one I set myself a different challenge.

How about I just win? Why not tune the thing to try to insure I have enough money to do whatever I want from my hand, that I have the right ICE to keep the Runner out or at least waste the Runner's time, and all the recursion/filtering tech I can bring to bear to make sure I can get my no-advance tech (Seamless Launch) back plus whatever else (maybe just money, maybe the agenda I was able to move to Archives using the Ansel 1.0 subroutine to overinstall with a Spin Doctor, the glimpse of which is now the only reward for the runner who just got to the root of the server with zero clicks left (Narrator: that did not, in fact, happen).

I expected to have a pretty good shot if the Runner was cautious about tags and imported damage, but I was curious about what would happen if I get Runners who read me right away as not caring about that at all.

In the end I got 2 opportunities to play this; one I lost because I did not respect an advanced Conduit on the board (a 4-card access to R&D yielded 3 agendas), the other was a tie on time because no one was finding agendas (I had the winning agenda on the table).

I might try a variation of this for next time; I definitely had enough money, but the ICE was too leaky; I underestimated just how quickly a runner could find money and necessary pieces to get around even big ICE. So maybe I need to import a Pharos or two, or maybe just be more thoughtful about ICE placement? As for agendas I think it's right for the concept to swap 2 Send a Message and 1 Superconducting Hub for 3 Orbital Superiority, just to reduce the need to leave advancements on agendas through the Runner's turn at all. Also even with expensive ICE I never needed the free rez from Send a Message, I was just that rich. And maybe intentionally put some damage or tags in there with the Orbital Superiority? I dunno.