Kate "Mac" McCraffey, Single Core Set used.

Gero 1

The strategy for this deck is really simple, it's about doing the most efficient runs possible with the use of icebreakers thus I decided 2x Corroder to be the most effective Fracter over Battering Ram, 1x Mimic seems like a placeholder as not to rely to heavily on 2x Crypsis and 2x Pipeline, 1x Femme Fatale is desired for dealing with sentrys and smoothly dropping bigger ICE.

I kept the deck on 45 cards using 15 Influence, most of the influence comes from cards that help deal with ICE and maintaining an aggresive playstyle, 2x Datasucker and 2x Parasite seem like a great way to deal with 2xPipeline low starting strenght along with Crypsis and The personal Touch.

I would like if you guys offered some recommendations for this deck, I am currently a beginner with a single core set at his disposal and I'd like to have a reliable Shaper Deck with the cards I currently have.

8 Nov 2015 BeermanBarman

Is there a particular reason you want to run shaper? If you're importing most of the anarch program suite, it would make more sense to play Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire and import Gordian Blade, no? Then you could make use of Cyberfeeder for your efficient runs. I would also scale back on your raw number of ice breakers (10 is a lot!), and perhaps import Special Order so you can pull up the one you need when you need it instead of flooding your hand with redundant programs.