(18+) Leela and The Kraken in: Your Tentacles, my Tits

Dydra 2805

What can I say, I've lived in Japan for 5 years :O

On a serious note how the deck works:

  • Pressure on all Central servers ( a killer toolkit in my opinion, heavy pressure on all 3)

  • ICE CONTROL ( this should be the new name for it). You simply control all the ice your opponent sets. You destroy it with Parasite and Keyhole. You Bounce it with Leela's ID. You tentacle **** it with DA KRAKEN. Emergency Shutdown and Account Siphon their Econ. Unscheduled Maintenance to control their ICE install.

  • Obviously double condition proc on score/steal Agenda with Logos and Leela's ID

  • The stronkest breakers

I expect this deck to WRECK HARD.

26 Nov 2014 Dydra

Put a random sentry breaker if you like ;) You can take out 1 Parasite and get 2 Mimics or 1 Mimic and 1 DS :)

26 Nov 2014 Exposé

I'd be tempted to bin the Feedback Filter for 1x Mimic!, or just use an Alias/Ninja.

26 Nov 2014 esutter479

Or you could sub out the Gordian Blade for a ZU.13 Key Master and find something to take out to add a Mimic (though it wouldn't really flourish without a Datasucker or 2 around, methinks).

27 Nov 2014 Dydra

I played this deck last night against this San San South deck and it WRECKED ... I had only 1 parasite and I had 2 mimics instead in. Did some more changes. Although he managed to trash my only corroder, I still won 9 to 1 points.

I'm pretty impressed with this deck, although I found a few places for improvement.

Although Leela's ability is freaking scary, combined with a Logos, I had very few uses for the Kraken, mostly because I was able to steal his Agendas on my last click (had to click through some Ice). The Gordian was wrecking through his 4 STR Viktor 1.0, so I wouldn't replace it for ZU.13 Key Master :)

Keyhole didn't come into place, but just the CONTROL that this deck has is really scary.

Also never got to use Security Testing, because every remote was protected.

I love the playstyle. It really feels like "pressure and win at the right time" deck, and "control the corp" during the meantime.

A few more tweaks and the deck would be ready for a tournament :)

27 Nov 2014 Dydra

I played this deck last night against this San San South deck and it WRECKED ... I had only 1 parasite and I had 2 mimics instead in. Did some more changes. Although he managed to trash my only corroder, I still won 9 to 1 points.

I'm pretty impressed with this deck, although I found a few places for improvement.

Although Leela's ability is freaking scary, combined with a Logos, I had very few uses for the Kraken, mostly because I was able to steal his Agendas on my last click (had to click through some Ice). The Gordian was wrecking through his 4 STR Viktor 1.0, so I wouldn't replace it for ZU.13 Key Master :)

Keyhole didn't come into place, but just the CONTROL that this deck has is really scary.

Also never got to use Security Testing, because every remote was protected.

I love the playstyle. It really feels like "pressure and win at the right time" deck, and "control the corp" during the meantime.

A few more tweaks and the deck would be ready for a tournament :)

27 Nov 2014 wilk

I am playing around with this design and like it very much so far. I play mostly Anarch and this is something close to an ICE-hating deck that I wanted to create with Reina, but to no avail. ;) However, I tweaked your build (currently testing), because the lack of program recursion worries me. I think that in the current environment one just cannot run singleton breakers (in this case, Gordian Blade) and no recursion (moreover, the only sentry-breakers are 2 Faeries, what do you do if you use them up?). The possibility of accidental loss due to some Jinteki shenanigans is just too great, and with Grail ICE the corp can wreck your rig even with no sentries out. I regretfully took out the Parasites (it is very possible that they will come back after tests, I agree that they beg for Datasuckers and/or Clone Chips), I kind of want to have 3 Faeries, too. All in all, after the addition of 1 Passport, 1 Alias, 1 Faerie and 2 Clone Chips, I finally feel that the deck is fairly safe from permanent loss of programs, which in turn allows for aggression Leela needs in order to flourish. Out went the Parasites, the Bank Jobs and 1 Security Testing. I am a bit worried whether I haven't just shattered my economy, but time and tests will tell. ;) I found Unscheduled Maintenance somewhat underperforming so far, if it continues to be the case, I will gladly change it for some money cards. I really love the underlying idea of that deck - congratulations!

27 Nov 2014 Dydra

Well, I've written up a bit about the sentry breakers. However you shouldn't be scarred from the corp breaking your breakers, because you are a mother fucking criminal. You have all of the dirtiest tools to play without breakers - Inside Jobs, Account Siphons, Emergency Shutdown, Faint, Sneakdoor Beta ...

Although some recursion will be this deck really solid, don't think it's game over each time you lose one of your breakers.

For example, I was playing Andy with the same breaker set ( 1 corroder, 1 Gordian , 1 Mimic and 2 ferries) against Weyland Blue Sun with Power Shutdowns.

I got Power shutdown-ed both games, for my corroder, my data suckers and other thing ... However I still won both games :) Because I"m a mother fucking criminal scumbag and dirty tricks is my game :) Inside Jobed his wall of curtain on R&D access 3 cards with R&D interface and whatnot :)

Although, for more conventional players, just put 2 breakers of each, or some Clone Chips :)

6 Dec 2014 therizzlesign

Ill be giving this a try. Swapped the Unscheduled Maintenance for a Ninja and a Mr. Li. Nothing major but I feel a little safer with this setup.

7 Dec 2014 Dydra

Unscheduled Maintenance is somewhat "core"-ish in this deck, imo, because it allows for the control over the ice :) but yes, go nuts with the changes :)

9 Dec 2014 lolpaca

Really enjoying this deck. Wasn't convinced by Security Testing as a 3-of though, especially as multiples don't stack and it can't combine with Keyhole, etc.

Thinking of swapping them out for Dirty Laundries, and -3 Kraken, +1 Lawyer Up, +1 Ninja, maybe +1 Faerie. Sorry to see the Krakens go, but somehow I never get to see them do their thing.

9 Dec 2014 wilk

Yeah, after playing it some more I came to the conclusion that this deck needs money even more than additional breakers. Security Testing was underperforming for me, too, so I swapped it out for Dirty Laundry. I am not a huge fan of that card - I don't always run it, but when I do, it's with Desperado. ;) Without it, its profitability is somewhat questionable.

9 Dec 2014 lolpaca

You can say the same about Security Testing though, they're both that bit suckier with no Desperado! :P

Security Testing is basically 'click for 2 credits once a turn, maybe' - sure, you get to trigger any other successful run abilities, but the only one here is Emergency Shutdown and you probably won't be Security Testing HQ if the corp's doing their job right. It doesn't even combo with Bank Job, since you can't stack 'instead of accessing' effects.

9 Dec 2014 wilk

I meant Security Testing+Desperado, not Dirty Laundry. Sorry for the confusion. :)

9 Dec 2014 Dydra

You could cut-down ST if you don't like it :) However, considering that they will have 1 or MAX 2 layers of ICE at servers, there are bound to be some naked spots for ST to land.

Also all the assets that NEH provide or RP, or PE, are perfect targets for it.

In many cases it is (especially against the 3 decks above) 1 click for 2 credits. But hey, that is exactly what Magnum Opus gives you - the strongest econ card in the game ;)

Also, you have Kati Jones for passive credit gain if they lock you out that hard :)

9 Dec 2014 lolpaca

It's 1 click for 2 credits sometimes, and only once per turn - that's much worse than Magnum Opus! :P Ha I know you realise that already, but I just don't see it pulling its weight as a 3-of in this deck, especially with no Desperado and nothing else that really combos with it. I'm totally willing to be wrong, but I want to experiment with dem Dirty Laundries instead.

Really nice deck though man, I actually enjoyed playing Criminal for once :D

9 Dec 2014 Dydra

If you have more than 1 Security Testing down, obviously you can get more than once per turn the 2c ;)

9 Dec 2014 lolpaca

Yeah, but only if you target multiple servers and spend multiple clicks running them. For 4c, you'd have to plop down two STs (2 clicks) and run two different, undefended servers the next turn (2 clicks). That means 4 clicks for 4 credits before it even starts pulling its weight.

I dunno, it's probably worth its while against some Corps like NEH as you said, but doesn't seem very consistent or efficient otherwise. You can't target the same server with multiple STs (well you can, but it's pointless - it only triggers the first time).

I just think Dirty Laundry fits better, despite being a one-shot - with Logos out, that's potentially +3c, an agenda, a stack search and a bounce in one sweet-ass click. Maybe I'm an optimist though :D

9 Dec 2014 Dydra

hahahaah .... you know Dirty Laundry nets you the credits after the run is complete right? So that means if you have 4c, you Dirty Loundry into PAD Campaign ... you go down to fewer credits than PAD's cost and you can't trash it :P (for example)

But yeah, feel free to try it out :)

After I'm done having netrunnerdb.com , I'll sleeve up a Leela deck for some testing next week :)

It will most likely be this deck, with some changes ( -1 Kraken will be the first one) :)

P.s. You can't have " Leela and the Kraken" without DA Kraken :P

9 Dec 2014 lolpaca

Not saying Dirty Laundry's the best or only option, but I just think ST has too much setup for its reward, and you don't have anything that interacts with it. As I say, totally willing to be wrong here though.

Anyhoo, the changes I'm trying will be -3 ST, +3 Dirty Laundry, -1 Kraken, +1 Ninja. You're right, Kraken deserves another shot :)

9 Dec 2014 therizzlesign

Security testing forces them to deal with it, In the 4 games I played it paid out nicely. It eventually reaches a point where you cant use it anymore but with 3 of it comes out pretty quick usually and keeps you going until Siphon and Kati can pick up the slack.

I ran -2 Unscheduled Maintenances -1 Kraken +1 Ninja +2 Mr LI. I didn't have any money issues in the 4 games and I wouldn't swap Logos for Desperado. I found every time the corp triple advanced to score something it opened up a bigger window for me to punish them. My favorite was return R&D ICE, fish keyhole, install keyhole then click Keyhole 3 times. Makes for a nasty surprise after they score something.

That said the Leela deck I played against that used Unscheduled Maintenance was significantly more annoying than the two that didn't run it. Kraken was a dead draw for me all 4 games.

Went 4-0 with the last game called 3-0 at time due to my corp deck being slow.

14 Dec 2014 Dydra

@therizzlesign thanks for the feedback :) really appreciate it.

I'm glad you had a good time with the deck and managed to score some wins :)

The Kraken felt one idea too short in my games as well. I'll make some more testing with it on next Teusday, but I expect I might go -2 on Kraken.

5 Mar 2015 Shielsy

@Dydra I strongly disapprove of this kind of one-dimensional sexualization of fantastic characters like Leela Patel simply because they're women. As an Austro-Indian that recognizes the shocking and disgusting misogyny that is rife in BOTH of my countries I find your blatant disrespect insulting, and I will refuse to engage with you until you apologize and remove these comments. I expect more from such an active member of the community.

5 Mar 2015 BigBadWolf

@Dydra, I certainly have to agree with @Shielsy here. The name of this deck, coupled with the comments you've made are really backward and misogynistic. Behaviour like this may seem harmless to you, but it perpetuates a huge problem in gaming communities globally. Netrunner, as pointed out in the excellent article, has done a fantastic job of showcasing women in it's lore, and keeping its art and themes far from sexualised. We don't need people like you making up for this absence. I also am going to refuse to engage with you until you remove this decklist, and apologise for the comments you've made, and you behaviour. As Shielsy pointed out, you should be ashamed as one of the more active members of the online community.

5 Mar 2015 us0rman

Kraken needs handsize decks, sorry leela

22 Jun 2016 Dydra

@BigBadWolf , @Shielsy good troll is still a troll :C try on Reddit