Net-Ready Chaos Theory

Redd 7

This is a slim and trim Chaos Theory deck running the static breakers with Net-Ready Eyes to get into servers very efficiently. I choose to run the Wunderkind over PPVP Kate because spending 6 influence on Lucky Find feels bad in a faction with the best economy card in the game: Magnum Opus.

The I.D:

Chaos Theory lacks the burst economy potential of Kate but makes up for it with the cheapest breakers in the game. Net-Ready Eyes along with suckeres and parasite make it so your mimic and Yog.0 are never blanked and, while temporary, Lady also gets into servers very cheapy. This means you can run early and run often. Her ability can basically read "Magnum Opus cost 1 less MU" and the 40 card deck size let's you run a very slim rig.


3x Magnum Opus

The best economy card in the game. The long game potential of Opus is enormous and not susceptible to hate like Levy. It's a three-of because ideally you want to spend your smc getting your rig up. But don't be afraid to smc for it though, it's your primary economy card and you WILL need it.

1x Symmetrical Visage

This is your only other real economy card besides sure gambles but it's a nice little resource. It's a professional contacts that costs 3 less but can only be used once a turn. A lot of runners are adopting the baby as a one-of and I expect to see more of that; its very strong. This might be better as an earthrise for some clickless draw but I've been happy with it so far.

The Rig:

Mimic and Yog.0 have been combined with datasuckers and parasites since the beginning of netrunner. Then came Lotus Field ending the runs. Net-Ready Eyes breathes new life into the archetype: Yog.0 + Eyes let's you walk into a server guarded by Lotus.

Lady and Corroder are your fracters. Lady is as efficient as the static breakers but even with clone chip recursion she won't last forever and many corps are teching against her. Corroder picks up the slack in the late game with your Opus economy.

Atman is a safety valve I've learned to love while playing Prepaid Kate. She isn't nessesary for the deck and isn't part of the full rig but she is very good against specific cards like archer and susan.


2x RDI and 2x Legwork make your efficient runs very potent. And Indexing is the best shaper run event in the game.


2x Plascrete Carapace

Carapace is the ultimate nessesary evil in netrunner but actually serves a purpose besides eating a scorched in this deck: Preventing the damage from Net-Ready Eyes.

1x Stimhacks

A common one-of in many smc decks, Stimhack isn't as good here as it is in Kate but it's still strong.

1x Clot

The threat of Clot gives you some time to set up against fast advance decks but sometimes I hate spending the influence.

Other Options (and cards I wish I had room for.):

A more robust rig could be used with femme and zu or cy-cy but finding the space is hard. Atman fills that roll for me.

Vamp is a card I'm currently testing as a 1x or 2x over a legwork and possibly clot. It's very strong in the RP meta and against the expensive ice that can shut down your efficient rig.

Scrubber or Paricia are very good against all the asset based economy the corps are running lately.

A single Akamatsu Mem Chip is a card that I keep wanting to put in to help with the memory. It probably would make it if the rig was bigger.