
itsbigfoot 2981

18 Jan 2016 checkthebox

Hey, love what you are trying to do here. I think Argus Rush is one or two pieces away from really being something, and I for one am hoping we see those pieces in Mumbad.

It seems like this deck has 2 major weaknesses, which are Film Critic and Plascrete Carapace, which are two cards that are everywhere. My suggestion would be to drop the Casting Call because film critic makes this double sad panda time for you if they play it, and maybe think about adding some Snatch and Grab and Shattered Remains/Power Grid Overload

Also, with the saved influence from casting call you could swap out a code gate or two for Lockdown, which would definitely do work in this deck.

19 Jan 2016 Saan

Lockdown is pretty bad in a rush deck, where you really can only afford ICE that ETR. It has cool synergy with Argus' ability, but I think it's better in a different non-rush deck.

Agreed that Critic and Plascrete shut off most of the threats of the deck, but I think Snatch+Grab isn't the right solution, mostly because the money that you spend on getting it to fire will probably turn off SEA Scorch for the rest of the game, as you usually only have the cash to fire off one big trace per game. I'd prefer Contract Killer, since it can be used a run-bait as well as can be used to snipe off Critic, Kati, and Aesop's.

15 ICE is a little low for a rush deck as well, since you really want to be seeing enough to constantly gear-check the runner. 3x Changeling, while I really like the ICE, is probably too much as well, given it's high cost. You probably want some Ice Walls in, just for low cost rush ICE. Another Grim wouldn't be out of place either.

19 Jan 2016 moistloaf

very interesting ice suite

19 Jan 2016 itsbigfoot

film critic is definitely on the list of things to kill if at all possible, however the tagging occasionally does that on its own, and sometimes you move at a pace that doesn't allow them to find the critic. Contract killer is definitely a consideration for her though.

subliminal messaging would be the first cut for a 16th ICE, although with aggressive drawing and leaving your centrals somewhat exposed you can often find enough ice for your remote, changeling helps a lot in this regard, as it's pretty difficult to break as a sentry. Oaktown is often install/advanced turn 1 behind enigma or changeling

19 Jan 2016 itsbigfoot

also I find casting call somewhat necessary as it allows you to push out agendas once their rig is set up. they can get in but not always get in and clear 2-3 tags

20 Jan 2016 itsbigfoot

after actually having a game with the cleaners scored, you want high risk investment.

20 Jan 2016 HiggsBozo

Film Critic is really not that bad.

It's still 2 clicks they're not using to dig for answers to your ice.

12 Feb 2016 ChairmanHiro

Have you tried throwing in some False Lead? It could very much make your tag traps stick. Scoring one early could turn your pressure on the runner up to 11, when they realize they have a much harder time clearing tags after snares or agenda stealing, meaning they have to risk if you have the Scorch in hand or just take the meat damage all the time.