Free Lunch - MWL Legal

ThisIsAz 218



There's no such thing!


Hey everyone,

This is a deck I've been working on over the past week and have had some pretty great success with in person and on Jinteki, including surviving a Valencia>Rebirth>Whizzard Turn 1 for 4 credit running to trash.

The goal is to get a board state that not only out econs the runner but reduces their econ and resources while also tagging to lead to Exchange of Information and Psychographics - Project Beale wins.

I tested with Dedicated Response Team, Bio-Ethics Association and a few others before settling on Commercial Bankers Group. The Weyland influence is key to the Consulting Visit combos and I felt 2 of these is a huge boon in the deck.

Having two turns in a row where you can Diversified or Hard-Hitting News can completely change the board state. Also using Mumbad City Hall to get Consultant and then use any of your 6 singleton Operations leads to fantastic opening exploitation.

Franchise City is a card I've grown to love in CTM. If you ignore it you really need Film Critic to handle it. If you trash it you're down 2 credits and a Trace 4 for a Tag.

It's worth noting that unlike IG you want to pace your horizontal installs with this deck. A runner getting rich and trashing 3-4 Assets a turn can put you way behind so don't be scared of ICEing the Museum. Having your ID trigger only on the first trash is important to be aware of all the time.

Exchange of Information continues to be great and here you have 15 Minutes and 2 Franchise Cities to combo with it. Should you get a Restructured Datapool early you are laughing.

Notable Missing Cards

Closed Accounts - Even after being Siphoned 3 times I felt like I can get the runner poor again via taxing ICE, traces and Hard-Hitting News.

Elizabeth Mills - Originally I was running Muckrakers to get tags and traces asap however I've found that City Surveillance is a more reliable way of taxing / tagging the runner. Mills did remove the Bad Pub and allowed for Location killing but I was happier running no BP and having that All-Seeing I more readily available.

Cheap Ice - Yep, this deck can't rez ICE early, but it's strength lies in the late game. Be prepared to go 2-5 points down but you will claw it back.

I hope you all enjoy (as much as you can enjoy a deck with Museum in it) and as ever feedback and testing results are gladly welcomed :)

All the best,


P.S. Shows as 1 Inf down until 1st August / New MWL.

28 Jul 2016 Great_Wave

I'm totally taking credit for making you rethink Franchise City!

Looks great, man. Hope you can bring this to Nationals for some games in the late evening, if you have time for it.

28 Jul 2016 x3r0h0ur

I would consider reversed accounts for it's synergy with city surveillance, as well as breaker bay for the same reason.

Also license aquisition could be a really good NA threat, since the runner might not run everything 1-2 of those can make CS and other assets really good....stuff like Ibe Salem for instance.

28 Jul 2016 ThisIsAz

@x3r0h0ur much appreciated feedback sir thanks :) Reversed Accounts and Exposé were cards I actually considered when rocking the Bad Pub so may have to try it out.

I like the Breaker Bay Grid call alot :)

Not sold on putting more agendas in this kinda weak early game deck though. Team Sponsorship I also considered but think the Clone Suffrage Movement decks probably work better.