Chaos started 0.3

badabam 1

It kind of works already not too bad ...

21 Jul 2014 nbove

Here are a few quick impressions:

1) 3x Atman and 1x Darwin make this deck absolutely scream for Datasucker. You should probably be running 3.

2) On a related note, the best supporting card for Darwin is The Personal Touch. It gives it strength that cannot be purged off. And you get it in faction with shaper.

3) You don't have any expensive programs to fetch with your Test Run/Scavenge combo, it seems out of place in this deck.

4) Since you have 3x Self-modifying Code, you really do not need to be running 2 copies of Sneakdoor Beta or Nerve Agent. Just fetch them with a SMC when needed and save yourself the influence.

Consider -1 Cloak, -1 Omni-Drive, -1 Sneakdoor Beta, -1 Nerve Agent, -3 Test Run, -3 Scavenge, -3 Daily Casts, +1 Parasite, +3 Datasucker, +3 The Personal Touch, +3 R&D Interface, +3 Clone Chip

22 Jul 2014 badabam

Thanks for the big review! I will look into everything you wrote in detail and consider your proposed changes.

I thought as I only have those 4 Icebreakers, Test Run/Scavenge is already a good choice. I also thought that Test Run would include what Clone Chip does.

The general idea was to go heavily on HQ. The Sneakdoor would be a surprise factor (I won the last game with that, I fetched it with Test Run).

I'll get probably get rid of Scavenge though.

You think Daily Casts is not needed? I am a bit afraid of not having enough economy.

I'll think again about everything. Your comments are definitely a big help! Thanks again!

22 Jul 2014 nbove

Some of the ideas that you are trying to work with are solid, but I think that this deck probably approaches them in a bit of a clunky way. In my opinion, shaper has better ways to put on HQ pressure. Namely Escher and splashing in 2 Legwork. That will give you all the HQ pressure you will need for only 4 influence and 3 cards and it can strike out of nowhere. Your setup requires 3 memory, 5 influence, and takes time to setup. The reason constant HQ pressure is not needed is that once you clean the agendas out of HQ with a Legwork, getting back in is not profitable anymore. Your points will come from R&D, thus having a credible R&D threat becomes important. After you have pillaged all of the agendas out of HQ, you can Escher the ice to make you runs on R&D cheap and prevent the Corp from drawing an agenda. At least, that is the general shaper game plan.

As for economy, if you drop sneak door and nerve agent, you should have plenty of memory available for a Magnum Opus. If you need more memory and better economy, consider adding a copy or two of The Toolbox.

28 Jul 2014 badabam

Thanks again, nbove. I just built a new version out of what you said first ( Now I'll try to get tha other changes done in there.