Contacts & Contracts. 2nd in two SCs. Bern (4 - 2), Konstanz

qvm 1921

This deck went 4-2 in the DracheNäscht store championship in Bern, winning against Sleeper Hold EtF, Spam NEH, Tennin and Nisei Division. It lost twice to Railgun.

The losses to Railgun were close (missing a 3 pointer on a legwork in one game and trashing 2/3 Jacksons in the other). In Bern I hadn't run a Plascrete yet, so I added one to at least force them to win through the combo.

I brought the deck a week later to the Seetroll store championship in Konstanz (5-1). I won against Spam NEH, Architects of Tomorrow, 2x Railgun and Glacier Sol. I lost once against Railgun. My corp deck was Glacier Gun

In all three Railgun games, I didn't see Plascrete Carapace. In the one game I lost, it was due to a calculation error on my part. Using the wrong breakers, I was two credits short of stealing two agendas of an Indexing. I also had "FTE" on hand, [Mad Dash] instead (/en/card/12008) would also have given me the win.

The most important card for this deck is Aaron Marrón, even though it's not actually in the deck. It allows me to play Professional Contacts, as there's not much tagging around. Hyperdriver is amazing both with Professional Contacts and Temüjin Contract. In one game, my opponent didn't ice R&D so I unloaded a full Temüjin on R&D with Equivocation installed.

There are a bunch of flex cards. You hopefully rarely need Shrike and in 90% of the games Mimic would be enough. I also never Levied and I could probably just drop the Plascrete again and rely on Indexing and Clot against Railgun.

While this list is far from perfect, I'm happy that I was able to do well as the only Shaper in Konstanz. The deck is a blast to play and can switch between aggressive play and sitting back.

5 Mar 2017 vor_lord

I haven't found plascrete to be very useful against railgun, as it is so easy to set up double boom. I do wonder if you were to do -1 GS Shrike M2, +1 Mimic, +1 Hades Shard. Since you faced so much railgun, it seems a hard tech card might be worth it?

5 Mar 2017 qvm

@vor_lord Fair point, but I only once died to the combo and twice died to a straight up 24/7 boom. With a plascrete, I'm forcing the combo, and they can only do that when I run or when they're almost out of cards. So I could money up and mill them with equivocation (preferrably with a hyperdriver) if they get low on cards.

But Mimic would probably be better anyway