Publicly Planned Destruction

Claytron 85

Toying around with the idea of limited ice destruction in Criminal.

Public Terminal to make the event runs cheap. Planned Assault to get you access to your one-of ice destruction cards when you need them or to help land that early Account Siphon (note: I put a 1-core set limit on everything I build). Levy AR Lab Access is probably not necessary and could be a Spooned instead.

No damage protection because this is criminal and you're not living to the fullest if you're not living on the edge.

24 Jul 2016 pandaman64

why not run ken, if you feel the need to run a full 3 public terminals?

24 Jul 2016 Claytron

Ken Tenma would be a good choice, and his extra influence would also allow you to run a The Maker's Eye which could be clutch as well. I'd like to try out that variant as well. But it came down to my wanting to play Gabe. I wanted to be silly and put in the Feints to combo with Gabe/Sec Test/E. Shutdown.

24 Jul 2016 JDC_Wolfpack

I like your basic premise here, although it looks like there are a few areas that are lacking. I would recommend some form of draw other than Lawyer Up, Earthrise or John M. You have a lot of events and you want to be playing them instead of drawing. I would recommend Mongoose over Alias. They're comparable and you have faeries as back up. Ideally, you should be forking remotes with double sentries so Mongoose's drawback never really comes into play.

While these changes do remove some of your Ice Destruction plan, The forked is really important with Faeries as your only remote sentry breakers and I can see this deck being really fun to play.

I'd recommend:

-2 Feint

-1 Knifed

-3 Public Terminal

-1 Alias

-1 Planned Assault

+1 Account Siphon

+1 Prepaid

+2 Desperado

+3 Earthrise / John M.

+1 Mongoose