Nothing to Eat Here

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Bananifier 380

Already tired of all the Eater+Keyhole lists? Get ready to play this deck!

  • Play Crisium Grid on R&D and HQ, and intern it back if the runner somehow trashes it.
  • Use Chum to protect your ice from the cutlery events (edit: some restrictions may apply - see below).
  • Freeze the runner tempo with big strength ice and finish the game with fast-ad.
19 Jan 2015 konradh

I don't understand why Chum should protect from cutlery events? If runner use Eater, he will break all subroutines anyway.

19 Jan 2015 Bananifier

Oh yeah, sure. I mean that it will protect your wormholes and orions from eater. It's a card for a card, but there is only so much recursion in a runner deck, and Chum costs a single credit to rez. That was not clear at all in my description, thanks for mentioning it!

19 Jan 2015 Bananifier

Now that I think about it, it does not even protect Orion that well. It only crushes Kit's dream to eat Ice with a Spoon. Oh well...

20 Jan 2015 DarkTsunder

I realize that deck space is limited, but I feel that Shipment from Kaguya would not be a bad investment in this decktype.

23 Jan 2015 Bananifier

Maybe in another id, yeah. Weyland Consortium: Because We Built It already has a recurring credit to advance ice.

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