[12th @ UK Nats 2024, 3rd Nov AMT] It’s Just Swift Lat!

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mays.leyline 41

It really is just @DeeR's Swift Lat with the "@Kysra is going to be at your event" tech.

Three reasons:

1) It was true. @Kysra was at the event.

2) Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra is pretty good into PE and NBN Assets.

3) It's UK Nats so there was bound to be an NBN credit & tag harassment deck crawl out of the woodwork. It's the UK Nats way.

Served me well. I think I lost one game with it in the cut to @Seamus where my deep dives were narrowly dodging Bladderwort hits, one finally went in the bin, I whiffed my last dive after what I assumed was many agendas being shuffled from the bin with 2 Spin Doctors and couldn't claw my way back to a sensible board state to challenge anything.

DJ Fenris & Bahia Bands or No Free Lunch might have been the better influence pick had I known Bladderwort would be kicking around.

The deck was very fun to play.

19 Nov 2024 lif3line

Turns out Lat is pretty good huh! Awesome run!