Call me Kitshmael (2nd @ OTG)

arribous 230

Lots of corp decks want to blow you up, and there's not much out there in terms of useful damage mitigation. This means you have to bend over backwards to protect yourself from damage, and it's likely that it won't be enough to keep from getting flatlined anyway.

This deck was a meta call that accepted a bad matchup against lots of kill decks (since most runners have a bad matchup against kill decks) in exchange for steamrolling any corp trying to play an honest game of netrunner.

The card that makes this deck possible is Lobisomem, which is an incredibly efficient breaker. If you're playing Kit, you don't need another barrier breaker. In testing, I found that a corp could never mount enough barriers to actually challenge the number of power counters on Lobi, so you never need to sweat how many you have. This thing breaks a fully-advanced Pharos for 7, which is the best you're going to get using a solo breaker with no support.

Spark of Inspiration is the second most important card in the deck, letting you get your breakers for 3 credits. Test Run is your answer to having to steal SDS or getting rigshot, and I think it's better than Compile at what it does. Test Run doesn't require an ice encounter, and it puts the fetched program on top of your deck instead of the bottom, meaning if you're holding a spark you can guarantee you get the breaker for cheap next turn.

Orca is an excellent sentry breaker in this deck since the charge ability is useful on Cataloguer and Dr. Nuka, you can use it on Lobi if you're pinched for power counters.

The gameplan is very simple, install efficient breakers and make tons of money with run events. Trick Shot gets a special mention for how much it does for a single card and a credit, you get 4 credits to break into R&D, then 2 more when successful, then you see 2 cards and you pivot over to whatever econ remote they have and trash all that nonsense.

Tech cards:

  • Buffer Drive: I never faced any Jinteki decks, so this never saw its main use case, which is to refill your deck from small damage pings. In an emergency it can get you a breaker or Ashen Epilogue, but I never installed it during the tournament.

  • No Free Lunch: This is mainly to save you from HB kill decks running Distributed Tracing, in other cases it's a bankable source of credits you can pop mid-run if needed.

  • Telework Contract: It's nice to have something you can use to make money if you aren't able to make runs to get credits.

  • Ashen Epilogue: Similar to Buffer Drive, this is mostly to save you from grinder Jinteki decks. I never used it during the tournament, you could replace this with another 2-inf card if you aren't worried about red decks wrecking you.

Overall, I was very pleased with my runner deck, which beat several HB and Weyland decks, losing to my own corp deck once and SebastianK's Ob deck three times in total. SebastianK definitely deserved to win all three of those games, his Ob deck was an incredible meta call. Hope to see everyone again next year!