Noisy Cinema

Shockeh 751

Originally this was built purely because I'd looked at the various decks that used Paige Piper in Noise, and I couldn't work out why - What exactly was Paige for? There weren't many cards you wanted to eat with her, especially as you also had Faust, and she took up three card slots herself.

So, I fiddled with the formula, moved a few things about, and found I had a Noise deck that I really enjoyed. Yes, it doesn't do anything particularly clever, and you won't find some super Sekrat Tech here - What you'll get is good, reliable draw; On-demand items through Street Peddler when you need them, and finally consistent pressure on R&D from the Noise Mill through the various Viruses but still being able to make sharp, incisive Runs with Faust when you need to.

Hacktivist Meeting and to an extent the two Film Critic are float cards; I recommend switching them depending on what your local meta is like as follows:

  • Corroder - You see a lot of Wraparound. (Solved by D4v1d too, if you're really that stuck.
  • Sure Gamble - You just need money. Although I'd still probably take more Draw, as Draw in this deck means money.
  • Cerberus "Lady" H1 - Alan Turing on the rampage.
  • Employee Strike - You like watching the Corp player have such a sad little face. (This is definitely the funniest option :) )

And so on, and so forth. I settled with the Critic and Hacktivist because it just happens to work for me here in Manchester, and accept YMMV. Bear in mind draw is generally better than money for this deck; The deck can use cards when it has no money (because Faust means you can always run) but money without cards is basically just dead counters. If in doubt, DRAW!

Finally, the one piece of advice I'd give if you haven't played the Noise Faust archtype yet; Don't be afraid to treat everything as disposable. Unless it's going to actually kill you, don't be too scared to take the occasional hit to the face.

If you wanted to be 'safe' in your running, you'd be playing one of those Shaper losers, right?