Shaped Chaos

masunrays 36

Chaos: noun 1. a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order.

What if we could shape a state of disorder? A puzzle piece that could fit with jagged edges where it should be smooth. That's exactly what this deck is trying to do.

This deck is fast and organized Chaos, fitting of the ID.

Set the pace early, either with econ, running, or draw power. An ideal starting hand will have a Magnum Opus or a Sure Gamble, a Modded, A Diesel, and Scavenge.

Almost any hand will have at least 2 of the 5(6) choices. Honestly you should only be using a mulligan if you're overloaded with Hardware and programs that aren't MO.

Some fast first turn plays you can use are: Install Magnum, click for 6 credits. Sets the pace of econ quickly, nothing funnier than watching a corp not know what to do with 2 unrezzed ice over HQ and R&D, staring as you install your main econ card and take 6 credits from it on turn 1.

Next play: Anything using Test Run/ Scavenge. Use it for a Magnum if you don't have a sure gamble in your hand. Use Sure Gamble, Test Run for a Fem, put it's counter on R&D, run R&D, and then Scavenge it to keep it in play, putting it's counter on the ice in front of HQ. Confuse the corp into icing what servers you want them to ice. Early Fem gives you access to almost any server turn 1.

Other possible plays? Diesel a bunch, toss all your programs in the heap. "Why would you do this?!" You may ask, and I'll tell you why. In this deck, Programs are almost useless in your grip. (the only time they aren't useless is when you have a modded or you for some reason want to hard rez one of these huge ice breakers/MO). All of your tutoring is either from your Stack or your Heap. In fact, your most reliable form of gathering your programs is probably going to be your heap. Because you won't really have the opportunity to draw a program from your heap. You can Test run/Scavenge it, you can Retrieval Run it, and you can just you know, Same Old Thing into a Test Run/Scavenge if you are really desperate. You will only need to get things 4 times if done correctly, and the rest (hardware) can be modded out.

Alright some choices here that may be confusing that I'd like to clarify.

Net Celebrity and Unscheduled Maintenance. Currently I'm only running 1 Unscheduled because of influence, but I'm thinking of taking my 2nd fem out and putting another in here. Here's why: First of all, trying to play this deck without a current is suicide, as if any corp is running Enhanced Login Protocol, you are literally boned harder than Dinosaurus' Fossils. With the only way to get that out of play is to steal an agenda, most likely by the time you get one, another ELP will come out the next turn, and you're boned again.

This may be a meta call, but I prefer to be safe on all sides here, and I'd take Unscheduled Maintenance over Net Celebrity, just because of a better meshing with this deck. Sure you have huge ice breakers, but if they can only install 1 ice per turn, then they're going to fall behind in their ability to protect things, which means you can fem them and make them cry. Keep in mind, these are mostly here just because of my Current heavy local meta, but it's good to keep at least 2 in deck no matter what. I'm keeping 3 because I know guys will throw down 3 ELP's no problem.

HQ/R&D Int are pretty self-explained, multi access is better than single access, especially if you can modded both of them out for 1 credit a piece.

Feedback Filter and Net Shield. These are very very local meta picks because there is this guy who runs like.. 4 ice Jinteki PE with a ton of assets that deal tons of net damage and Flatlines everyone. And then we have some HB players too, so that kind of messes things up. Net Shield I would say is just a great pick in any deck (only a 1fer though) just as an option against Jinteki. Taking too much Net Damage? Throw down a Net Shield and take the 1credit cost to take away 1 net damage.

Professional Contacts. If you mulligan into a bad hand, you can get boned pretty quickly with bad card draw. This prevents that by making every draw much more efficient, because hey, money. Also it's a very viable option against 4ice Jinteki PE who keeps on making you take net damage and spend your money to trash assets and steal his agendas.

Cyber-Cypher. Not too sure why I even have this in here, haven't played it once. But I still think it's a really good safety net. Don't have enough to modded out a Torch? No worries, Cyber Cypher that server you're focusing your hate on because screw that server in particular.

Morning Star. Best Breaker for Dinosaurus in this deck, just plop it on and laugh at everyone's less than 7 strength barriers, if you're against weyland, just switch your fem to whatever hadrians they're advancing to stop it and laugh at them more. (This is also why I'm keeping a second fem, just incase of this scenario so I can have 2 fems out to be like 'Yo your stupid curtain wall is useless now that you somehow got out as the fourth piece of ice on your advancing remote and hard rezzed because you're Weyland.' )

The main problem this deck runs into is if you have to make choices on what breakers to Test/Scav out, in that case, just facecheck. Worst case scenario, you lose a magnum, take brain damage and die... okay that's actually kind of bad. But early game I doubt they'll have anything like that.. (hopefully). So you can just facecheck early to see what kind of ice they're running and base that on if you think they'd have multiples of that ice. So just be like 'Yo nice Elis you have there, shame if a Morning Star were to happen to it.'

I am currently negative with this deck. (not this rendition of it; I haven't got to test my tweaks yet (namely adding more recursion and adding pro contacts for those times I was digging for nothing because I was stupid and thought 'Eh i'll try out how it does with a bad hand' instead of taking a mulligan...) But it was a bunch of me misplaying and the deck STILL almost made up for an idiot like me running it, (I had 2 games where I had 6 points on the board and FLATLINE : (, the other I stole 5 agenda the first 2 turns and then Near Earth Hub just kinda.. Astrochained to victory because I didn't get a magnum out fast enough. Like I said, bad plays by me, deck still almost made up for it. )

This was inspired by Dinomite v3 (and v2/v1 respectively.) With my own meta twists and personal preferences on it. I hope you enjoy it, if you have any questions please ask and I can let you know!