The Universal Ledger

senojmas 3

This is my first NBN deck built from scratch so feedback would be greatly appreciated!

The goal of this deck is to let the runner score a TGTBT for the tags, and then maintain tag pressure throughout the rest of the game adapting the ICE and asset strategy around the runner. Pretty simple really.

21 Feb 2017 heppu

I'm no expert in playing SYNC, so take this with a grain of salt.

There are a few obvious things you could change to make the deck more reliable. First and foremost however, acknowledge that Aaron MarrĂ³n exists: so you should probably have a plan for if and when he hits the table. This means that:

  • He effectively counters your TGTBT idea, since he immediately gets two tokens, one of which they can use to remove the tag.
  • Any Breaking News into Exchange of Information shenanigans won't work
  • Quantum Predictive Model cannot sit safely behind a Data Raven (although right now you're not playing either, more on this later)
  • Your ID is a lot weaker in general

Its tough to get around this, so probably you'll have to acknowledge that he will be a problem, or add cards like Navi Mumbai City Grid so that the tags cannot be removed in the middle of a run. Another option is to use Voter Intimidation to trash him.

Now, the obvious problems/things that can be improved that I see are:

  • Your deck has 49 cards. The minimum deck size is 40, meaning that by running 44 cards you can have only 18 agenda points in your deck, which is usually more desirable because of the increased consistency of the deck due to smaller size.
  • Plan B is an awful card.
  • You're not running currents, so News Hounds are worse than Data Ravens for this deck. They are essentially Hunters that cost one more.
  • Your econ is right now very light, which for many Sync decks is fine, but yours is relying on the PAD Campaigns sticking around. Many runners might trash these and you'll be stuck clicking credits.
  • You've got a ton of 2-of Operations that often will sit in HQ doing nothing. Usually one of each Exchange of Information, Closed Accounts and The All-Seeing I is fine, especially in a 44 card deck. Personally, I'd lose both Big Brothers and add a single Psychographics, just in case they go full tag me at some point.
  • It kinda looks like your game plan is a bit over the place: You have Dedicated Response Teams and Punitive Counterstrike to try and kill the Runner, but this is very very unreliable. You have Plan B as a trap. You have Red Herrings to try scoring in a remote and Exchange of Information to switch the Global Food Initiatives. Lot of stuff. Now I'm not saying that this cannot work, but often if you try to do to many things at once you end up doing none of them efficiently. I'd suggest that you focus your game plan around forcing the runner to either spend time removing tags while getting accesses on centrals (Data Ravens force the issue) or going full tag me, in which case you will either EoI or Psychographics a GFI or BOOM! them to death. Quantum Predictive Models work with this plan like a charm, since the runner will often be tagged while accessing. If you can add SanSans to the deck, you can create a sense of urgency by threatening to fast advance.

This is a decklist that a played with a while back to great success:

Take a look if you like, it could give you some ideas. Note the 24/7 News Cycle combos that range from really annoying (24/7, Closed Accounts, Hard-Hitting News) to deadly (24/7, BOOM!).

However, bear in mind that this was before Mr. Marron was around, so it probably wouldn't perform that well in the current meta. Moreover, I'd probably switch out the Information Overload and the second Closed Accounts for something more useful, like the Navi Mumbai City Grids. Two BOOM!s might also be enough, if you need the influence for something else.

21 Feb 2017 senojmas

@heppu This is excellent advice thank you. I really appreciate you taking the time out to break down so much so comprehensively.

I will take all of your suggestions into account and reforge this mess!

Hopefully see you on jnet :)