Most Correct but 2nd Best Freedom at UK Nats. King of Swiss

SeeHearType 351

This is the list that carried my sorry ass to king of swiss then straight out the cut at UK Nats (it lost one game, then a very similar but less correct version rudely knocked me out).

I'm not sure if the cuts I made to squeeze in the 2 knifed are correct but I'm pretty confident 2 knifed are better than two of the cards in the worlds winning build. Smart players will keep their good ice out of watering hole where the hippos live and knifed and pelangi let you deal with these pesky good players that seem to be everywhere at the tournaments I go to.

The list always feels like a fun puzzle with plenty of decision points but still has a lot of raw power when it's rolling, I wasn't super hyped on the meta going into Nats but had tonnes of fun playing this list and never felt like any of my match ups were heavily favoured against me.

Netrunner peeps as always were awesome,

Much love to my favourite community,

Tom H xxx

Except you Swiftie with your deck full of archers!


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