Install Faust. Account Siphon.

strongoose 669

Does what is says.

6 Sep 2015 therealwarrior

So Account Siphon is your best economy option? And your main draw engine (Drug Dealer) eats the few money you can get, for only one card per turn.

You will need a little more than a "obvious lol" to explain how to play your deck :-) .

6 Sep 2015 Ver

So what do You use Planned Assault for? Drive by with 3 clicks? Siphon with two?

6 Sep 2015 therealwarrior

Planned Assault works only for Legwork and Account Siphon. Run events, you know.

6 Sep 2015 Ver

Ah, my bad, You are right. So I see even less point in including Planned Assault here...

6 Sep 2015 therealwarrior

The plan is to play Account Siphon as soon and often as possible. Déjà Vu, Trope or Levy AR Lab Access could as well be included in the deck.

7 Sep 2015 strongoose

I'll see if I find the time to do a write-up. I think the list may have potential, but possibly as a more conventional hybridisation of this and traditional Andy-sucker.

The deck should first-turn Account Siphon about 9 times out of 10. Planned Assault enables this. Except for the turns after you Siphon, you will have no money, which is why you drop a Gorman Drip right after siphoning and crack it when you're out of creds again. I usually manage to get 5-7 credits off a Drip, but you sometimes have to play around things like Jackson for draw.

Generally though, you just run without money. You need the cash for R&DI's and legwork, mostly.

Drug dealer is not bad; because you go down to 0 so often (hence Easy Mark) it's often just draw a card with no downside. It can suck late-game (though you really should have won by then), hence Chop-bot. I'll probably cut Drug-dealer and Chop Bot for Fisk Investment once it comes out.

The main problem I've found with this deck is that it currently doesn't actually keep the Corp poor that consistently, which is pretty much the entire point. Levy may be a good call, simply to recur more Siphons.

Oh, and Wraparound. It's not an issue when you first-turn siphon, because of Andy hands, but it becomes a real drag after that; a second breach (or a corroder) might be in order.

Sorry if this is a bit incoherent; it's rushed out before heading to work.