slimmed Grey Hat

Krams 949

Black Hat + White Hat = "Grey Hat" is an awesome win condition in Sunny.

It is just hard to find out what to cut for the deck slots.

So I took all of the Sunny deck lists*, put them together and ripped out vital cards until I found enough deck slots for my grey hat.
( *: or at least most of the ones that I'm familiar with)

The result is a pretty condensed list that has less draw power, less drip power, but a strong win condition with still pretty okay speed.

I ended up using only 24 influence, so I tried to Stimhack out stuff from Peddler and Gachapon, which works out okay so far (though a bit inconsistent of course with just 1 stim in 50 cards).
It's a bit over the top, since most stuff is too cheap to warrant a Stimhack, unless you get a Nexus on a Peddler. In that case I either use Stimhack on multiple targets at the same time or save it as lategame tool for big runs.
Though, after playing a few more game I tend to think a 3rd turtle might be more useful than a Stimhack. Finding one early is vital, since there are still some matches where I can barely run for the first 10 turns and that's a no-no.

I sometimes wish I had a 3rd DreamNet for more consistent draw throughout the entire game. Sports Hopper and Office Supplies help here with the burst draw as do the Peddlers and Gachapons as semi-tutors for getting stuff.
But I'm kinda reluctant to add 3 of a ♦ card, except Nexus, which I feel is a necessity.

The economy is surprisingly solid, even in a Sunny deck that actually uses it's instead of running Data Folding.
I still like Armitage.

Overall the deck is far from perfect and even though I have 50 cards against the grind and a lot of redundancy against sniping the deck still feels a little unprotected.

Deck slots are tight. Even with a 50 card ID.

9 Feb 2021 Diogene

I like this! Aumakua + Datasucker is the strongest suite ever!

I'll test it and tell you the result. I see that you went without Daily Casts. This is interesting.

10 Feb 2021 Krams

Like I said, I still like Armitage ;)
And deck slots are awfully tight.

17 Feb 2021 Diogene

@Krams I tried it. It is as good as advertised. The only thing that could be changed is The Archivist. For the inf, I would rather get 2 more Boomerang. Maybe with one less White Hat.

Good list with or without any modifications. Solid. Cheers.

17 Feb 2021 Krams

Glad you liked it. And yes, more Boomerangs would probably make the early game stronger.
I think I'll put that suggestion to the test, but with 2 black and 2 white hats :)