Shift- Second Gear

TheBytemaster 50

Update 2.0:

-Fixes some tempo issues. //maybe


A huge thanks to esutter479 and pandaman64 for the suggestions, they've opened my eyes to how useful Career Fair really is. I used to think it was just an inferior, less-versatile modded for influence-strapped criminals.

I was very, very wrong.

  • Assuming you were clicking for credits, (which, before this revision, was happening more than I care to admit), Data Folding used to take an entire turn's worth of clicks to install and come out even. With a Career Fair, it takes one click.

  • It works even better with Earthrise, taking it down to 1 credit to install, (which makes being rich enough to use the cards coming your way a lot easier), and also freeing up two hand slots for the next turn draw.

  • Free Daily Casts installs.

Needless to say, I am now a believer.

Anyways, tempo improvements and slimming aside some notes:

  • I removed the 3x Traffic Jam entirely. They weren't really doing anything for me. I feel it's better to set up faster and apply pressure with runs than to spend precious resources hoping to slow the corp down.

  • Access to Globalsec is now a 2-of. I'm not entirely sure on this one, I may bring it back up to three just to ensure more consistency.

  • Virus Breeding Ground is also a 2-of. So far this has been workable. I might try to fit one back in later, having one up somewhat early is really nice.

  • Minus one Net-Ready Eyes to free up influence. Having two in the deck wasn't that useful. There are a lot fewer situations where +1 Darwin strength would make a big difference than I thought. Great for Chameleon though.

  • Plus one Medium! Once you get an initial counter on it, you can just click it up with Virus Breeding Ground and make a single big run, instead of needing to charge it by running over and over. A lot easier on the credit pool that way. Just make sure you have your console out, or you'll shut off Data Folding. This could also be an Imp

  • Three Earthrise Hotel; Great for getting set up quickly, esp. if you can use a Career Fair on it. With the mainly drip economy, timing when you play it is important.

  • Turntable instead of Vigil. Vigil really wasn't doing much for me, turntable is more interesting.

Other notes

I find Chameleon can be a nasty surprise for the corp, especially if you have either of your two strength-changing cards out. Often a good idea to keep it hidden until the corp thinks they've put one over on you by purging or killing Darwin.

Ice Carver is kind of tricky to use right. Remember that it can bring a handful of nasty 5-strength ice down to 4, out of D4v1d range, but still out of Chameleon range unless you have Net-Ready Eyes out too. (Most notably, Turing on remote, Ichi 2.0, Tollbooth, and Grim.) Thinking about swapping this out for something else.

I usually find that the best use of Déjà Vu is to recur D4v1d. With e3 Feedback Implants. it makes a lot of runs very cheap.

Any/all suggestions, criticisms, comments, complaints, spalling corrections etc. are extremely welcome. I'd love to hear what you think/your experiences with it!

26 Jan 2016 esutter479

Coupons rule! :)

I like these mods, Bytemaster. It's almost eerie that we posted our Kim decklist updates at almost the same exact titme, haha. Let me know how your list works out for ya...and if mine doesn't for me, I may have to try yours out. :)

26 Jan 2016 TheBytemaster

Thanks! Yeah, that was odd.

Your list looks interesting too, I'll have to take it for a spin, who knows, maybe I'll get more ideas!

27 Jan 2016 pandaman64

I'm just obsessed enough with Eddie to be back for v2.

So I've been mulling over the list, and I can't help but feel that Data folding is a bit of a weak point. You NEED to use career fair with it or it's a very significant tempo setback (doesn't pay for itself until 3 turns later). You could run Liberated accounts instead, which is not only solid on it's own, but crazy with Career fair.

Also, considering ice carver and net ready eyes, I can't help but think that mimic/Yog.0 would be better here for less influence. Alternatively, if you're sure you want to stick with chameleon, Scheherazade is kind of...please run Scheherazade. Chameleon and Scheherazade are friends. They belong together.