SGO Zahya Deck

Shadow The 6th 2

This is a System Gateway Only Deck

I am working on publishing a decklist for each of the factions, to give better options to teach the game to newer players, currently there are no bans in the System Gateway only format.

This deck was build based on Metropole Grid's Deckbuilding 101 Video. Please watch his video's as they a great way to learn.

Game Plan:

Your primary goal is to win by accessing multiple cards either from there hand using Docklands Pass or from there remote servers with your strong Icebreakers sweep.

Your secondary goal is to use Jailbreak or Conduit to access additional cards providing another way to pressure the Corp.

Deck Explanation:


  • Mayfly is not considered here since it breaks itself, I think it's suited for a larger cardpool.

  • We have two options for our breaker to deal with barriers. Cleaver & Marjanah They break the high strength barriers for about the same, but the cheaper barriers it's generally better to have Cleaver especially when used with Leech

  • Since we don't have a breaker in faction for code gates, we opt for Buzzsaw since it's cheaper on influence and is only 1 strength away from the strongest code gate in system gateway.

  • Carmen is in faction and for 2 credits is strong enough to break any of the sentries in system gateway. Since we will also be running frequently, we should be installing this for 3 credits a fair bit as well.


  • Conduit is a great card, hence the 4 influence. We like this card as another threat to make sure we can dig into R&D to find agendas. Generally this is a mid to late game play, but you could use this as some early pressure if the corp places to much ice on there HQ and remote servers.

  • Leech is a great way to save credits breaking through stronger ice with our breakers. They are great value for breaking routines but can be a bit steep when needing to strengthen them.


  • Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler's ability gains credits, so we use lots of events that allow us to run to support this, and it allows us to be credit neutral or sometimes credit positive if we are successfully running R&D or HQ.

  • Sure Gamble is a great staple that allows you to gain credits even before you are setup to run protected servers. You will also generally only get credits with Wildcat Strike so its almost a forth copy of Sure Gamble

  • Overclock is great to punch through servers that you need to break through some ice.

  • Jailbreak is a great triple threat. Additional access, draw a card, and an extra credit with Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler

  • Pennyshaver is a staple of value in this deck. You want to run every turn you can and this allows for you to get some of that value back when you need it. You also play 1x T400 Memory Diamond that gives you a for your late game board.

  • Red Team lets you run, when you don't want to play one of your events and gets you some credits, just keep in mind this is an investment and it may take a while to pay off. Telework Contract gives you the instant credits so it's a solid economy piece, we just used our influence on our programs.

Tricks & Tools:

  • Mutual Favor lets you find and install your icebreakers. Since you're so run focused it's critical to learn when to play this. It's not a card you want to play in your few first turns. This is a card that can easily be misplayed by playing it to soon, so it's okay to hold it for a critical turn.

  • Tread Lightly Is a pseudo economy piece, but you can access a server with 2 pieces of unrezzed ice, and either see what they are hiding or make them pay to keep you out.

  • Docklands Pass is a great value piece for Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler and will help you steal agendas.

  • Verbal Plasticity is needed to help you dig for your breakers, hardware, or economy. If you don't see this early to mid-game you will find yourself clicking to draw cards frequently. This is a key piece to get setup when you can.

Special Notes:

  • You could run an additional Docklands Pass, but it will increase the chance of seeing more than one in a game. Honestly this could go either way, but its up to you.

  • Learn when to play the resources you have to the board. You will need to manage your credit economy weel as you will want to have enough to still continue running in the following turns, and when you need to take a turn to setup your board.

*In system gateway there are very few instant flatlines, so don't be afraid to run into ice without breakers, this allows you to learn what Icebreakers you should search for with Mutual Favor and gets the corp to spend some of there credits.