Gamenet: NeoSignal Edition (NSG Only)

ThatRedHyena 16

So I love the Gamenet ID. However, I referenced a lot of other older Gamenet decks to build this version, but I haven't seen many new decks really since Bellona and Gold Farmer were banned.

Our general game plan is we want to make the runner poor and then score. I built this deck using only NSG cards which is admittedly a pretty arbitrary decision but it'll be easy after next DAWN rotation to upgrade this deck.

Agendas: Project Beale & Tomorrowʼs Headline 3/2s for some faster scoring with Beale having a decent chance of securing more points between Seamless Launch and Vladisibirsk City Grid or even our 4/2 Remastered Edition. Lastly, a pair of Send a Message since we have no decent 5/3s in NBN. Truthfully we don't have a lot of expensive Ice to rez with it though so its not a major part of our plan.

Assets+Operations+Upgrades: Force runs, Make money, and Draw cards. Splashing Seamless Launch to support our plan. Also Reversed Accounts and Vladisibirsk City Grid can pretend to be agendas all while supporting our core plan of making the runner broke then scoring.

Ice: Tatu-Bola ends the run but also has a neat refund and and swap feature. Early game it can be used to quickly close a leak and then cashed out for something more important. Afshar has a neat niche keeping HQ safe, its a good interaction but not crucial so only 2x included. The rest is general NBN taxing ICE that make us money.

If people have any feedback or suggestions, I'm interested in trying to solve the Gamenet puzzle.

Options to investigate: -NAPD Cordon -Daily Business Show -Your Digital Life + Sudden Commandment