Valencia Events

Gaxeco 219

Hey! This is one crazy deck that I made in the A:NR deckbuilder app and I havent tried it yet, but it seems pretty amazing

The main activity of this deck is Comet that allows you to make crazy things like Day Job and play a run event that can kill an ice! Thats Amazing!

With Eater and Keyhole you should be able to spam R&D. If you can see when the corp install an agenda, now its time too... Blackmail! Yeah, this card, will give you a lot of agenda points

Another curious card is the Public Sympathy. I added this card becouse gives you the hand size that will be filled with I've Had Worse and the Inject. (Remember that you can lose up to 4 hand size with the Amped Up - withLevy AR Lab Access- )

Well this is the deck, I hope you like it. If you have some ideas to improve the deck, will be fantastic, I will play with this ASAP!!

29 Sep 2015 alvar_run

A mi lo que no me gusta mucho es el tema de que solo lleves breakers AI. Te plantan un Turing o Swordman y la partida se pone muy cuesta arriba si no ya imposible.

30 Sep 2015 Gaxeco

Estaba por meterle un Deus X pero no encontraba la influencia jajaja