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GrantZilla1979 398

My first Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie build. Already I'm concerned about putting too many eggs in the Sage - Dinosaurus basket, as the breakers are...well, rather obvious. I'm using Crypsis to make up the difference. I think it'll be extremely vulnerable to program trashing, but if I get my Replicator up quickly I should be able to double up my hardware and make Sage pretty powerful. The Snitch/Au Revoir combo is in there just to playtest how it works.

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!

20 Jul 2015 GrantZilla1979

After testing it against a Argus Security: Protection Guaranteed meatgrinder deck - blech. Both sentry breakers blasted on the first agenda steal. Icebreakers are FAR too weak. What did work - Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie and Public Sympathy. I like the idea of using the large hand limit early on to fish for a Replicator - but the large influence cost I'm paying just to enable a two-trick pony in Sageosaurus OOF just does not break the cost-benefit threshold at all. Access to Globalsec is overkill with 3x Dyson Mem Chip, so that can go. I think I should focus more on Criminal central breakers, and maybe import a cloud breaker or two with the influence I'm spending to get a 12 STR Sage.

20 Jul 2015 paulxthompson

Deep Red I think is better than Dinosaurus in this case - cheaper, less influence and a slightly bigger kick to Sage. I keep trying to make decks along these lines and I keep failing :-)

20 Jul 2015 paulxthompson

...and it would also enable a Knight or two -though I can't figure out how to make that work - it might add some extra flexibility to your breakers.

20 Jul 2015 GrantZilla1979

I honestly think I'm going to abandon Sage in this build altogether. Besides, its utility suffers if I'm able to get the Snitch/Au Revoir combo going. I think better to focus on central breakers, throw in one more Replicator to get multiple HQ Interface/Dyson Mem Chip/etc. out quickly. It's still missing something - any form of recursion or meat soak. Burst economy, too.