Diesel, Deuces, and Data

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jalube 83

This is the Sunny DLR deck I'm currently on, and it seems to work pretty well. Crucially, it sets up faster than most Sunnys with the inclusion of 3x Diesel and Deuces Wild as well as the standard Earthrise. I wouldn't swap these cards out for anything.

As with all Sunnys I've played (or seen for the most part), you generally need to get 2-3 drip cards going in the first 3-4 turns to really have a shot against a corp that can move quickly, so I mulligan any hand that doesn't have at least 2 or 1 plus draw. Nexus is always always always our first non-resource install if possible.

For anyone who hasn't seen the DLR combo run, it goes like this:

-Jak run, use Nexus, fail trace (but still gain creds with Power Tap)

-DLR 4 times - Mix and match with necessary installs or remote runs as needed.

-Citadel Sanctuary removes the tag, while gaining money with Power Tap.

With 2 drip cards, 2 Power Tap, Citadel, DLR and Nexus you can mill 4 and still gain 6 credits per turn. With this set up, we can be 8 credits behind the corp before our turn begins and have enough to win the Citadel trace if they decide to pour all their money into it.

Card choices:

Earthrise, Deuces, Diesel. Card draw that doesn't cost anything is very crucial as we need to get to our pieces and not fall too far behind. I've tried Quality Time, Blockade Runner, Drug Dealer, Symmetrical Visage and other cards but I'm satisfied with this package as it doesn't lose us tempo. 9 influence is absolutely worth it, in my opinion.

Vamp: an ace in the hole. Save it until you need it. Generally when the corp is on match point, vs fast advance or a corp that has built a big remote and just installed a card into it.

Film Critic + New Angeles City Hall: Breaking News is an agenda that occasionally sees play, and also we're resource dependent.

Sunny Breakers: serviceable, especially by the time it's necessary to bust remotes (match point).

Beth: just a solid card, and the best use of the influence in my opinion, but not utterly necessary. A second Vamp would be what I would trade it out for, potentially.

John Masanori: I've occasionally traded out a Citadel Sanctuary for a singleton John Masanori as a way to clicklessly (with Jak) draw more cards. It's awkward with the final setup though as we'll take 2 tags if we fail the Nexus trace. Try it out, I'm still not sure.

30 Nov 2016 3Jane

What do you do if they start with Scarcity of Resources?

Nice ideas btw

30 Nov 2016 jalube

If they play it first turn, we're probably hosed. Otherwise, get Nexus, run, and try to score. Or eat the penalty and just get down the bare minimum.

30 Nov 2016 Pinkwarrior

@jalube Nice to see the Reverse Nexus is still doing the rounds. I definitly think setup time is sunny's biggest problem.

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