Stop... Hammer Time! (2.5)

Pinkwarrior 2351

2.5 Had some change over's with the econ Liberated Account was good but not very steady and click consuming i did notice however that i had MU spare most the way through games and didn't need a huge amount however Vigil it's self wasn't enough so it seemed to make sense to put Data Folding in the deck these have worked out really well and i've seen a huge improvement with them down and only rarely shut them down to do stuff.

I decided to change Gordian Blade for ZU.13 Key Master as i am finding most of the time ZU.13 Key Master will do and it saves me 2 influence i can use on another Legwork.

I got rid of the cutlery events as i rarely even use them let alone make good use out of them i switched these for Injects for awhile. I recently took them out however as they were proving rather pointless not really been able to use them till my rig was up as Déjà Vu isn't that good a retrieval card for my breakers and when i have my rig up i generally don't need the cards so i switched them for Earthrise Hotel hopefully this will work out better.

2.0 it's running rather well now i was finding some games where i wasn't finding the breakers and if i didn't find Kati early just been unable to do anything.

1.5 So i changed the econ around somewhat the Daily Casts although nice just weren't bring enough in when i were playing them meaning i had to use my SMC's for the cheaper solution rather than the permanent one this i feel was the main reason for lack of getting breakers. I also changed the Armitage Codebusting for Day Job quicker for only 1 less cred net and 1 more to play it seemed like a good idea now i am no longer running so many cutlery i can keep them in hand better id still not want 3 in the deck tho cos if theirs no opportunity to play them they just clog your hand.

Ditched the Wanton Destruction honestly i was finding little use for it without eater in my deck nice on occasion but with Hemorrhage it became so what redundant.

I wasn't finding much use for Feedback Filter thanks to I've Had Worse and ed's ability so i replaced it with Utopia Shard. Man is this good with Vigil corps tend to goto 4 cards in hand which means for only 2 clicks of Hemorrhage and this i can wipe their hand out and still have 2 clicks spare for running archive or i see a sea source i can trigger it to hopefully hit then kill similarly with fast advance i see a biotic bang no agenda. these are somewhat unlikely mind thanks to ed's ability dealing with tho's operations but still it can happen.

I wasn't finding much use for the Déjà Vu's mainly cos of lack of funding any breakers so i dropped one and with the space freed from Wanton Destruction as well i dropped a Self-modifying Code for one more of each breaker this has helped alot am finding my breakers now and can use the SMC's for my other programs if need be. The changer's certainly seem to have strengthened the decks consistency.