Val - Bad Pub Mining 1.5 [Rotation Ready]

saracenus 1067

This deck is something I have been tinkering with for nearly 6 months and she was not ready for prime time until Crimson Dust dropped Mining Accident into our laps. It is the perfect card to pressure the corp with. Either they give up econ early (5) or grant you oppressive econ (Bad Publicity, BP from now on) mid to late game. Combined with Account Siphon you can really put the screws to the Corp. Don't get me wrong, Bloo Moose is amazingly steady econ and Caldera is the perfect tech card for Jinteki shenanigans. But, Mining Accident is the card of this decks dreams.

Mining Accident

This deck balances raw draw power (I've Had Worse, Inject, Earthrise Hotel, and Vigil) and sustainable econ (Career Fair, Bloo Moose, Daily Casts, and most importantly, BP).

Standard burst econ in Account Siphon and Sure Gamble.

The breaker suite is standard conspiracy breakers which synergize with BP. Ice Carver really helps with cards like Architects, News Hound, etc. Double Medium is your big dig.

Eater has not been doing much work for me, but I really don't have another AI breaker in Anarch that fits. It is there as a fail safe for Account Siphon and getting central runs for Mining Accident.

Why Vigil? Well, it gives you draw or it makes corps drain their hand to keep you from drawing. It also synergizes with Itinerant Protesters (IP). Speaking of which, IP is a hammer that can blow up combo decks.

Fascist Anarchs

Dropping IP with even 3 bad pub can make a corps day really hard to swallow. Once you get one out you can always bring one back with Same Old Thing. Or, keep hitting them with Account Siphon.

Investigative Journalism helps you pile on BP. BTW, a lot of cards that helped the Corps get rid of BP went bye-bye with rotation, it is not unusual to have 3-4 by mid-game. Basically their PR departments are staffed by people like this now...


Rebirth is a late addition. This is a tech card and your usual targets for it are Alice Merchant: Clan Agitator, Omar Keung: Conspiracy Theorist, and Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer. Board state and opponents deck will dictate which is the best choice.

Special Order, I had 2 in the deck. If you need to speed up getting to your breakers, exchange the 3rd Career Fair for a 2nd one.

So, how well does the deck perform? Pretty damn good. Rush decks are your biggest problem. If Friends In High Places doesn't get set at 3 on the new World's MWL, then Moons decks are likely to rock your world. Most 3/2 agendas are gone so HB is your main source of rush (yes, Jemison can rush too). A tough but not insurmountable match up is New Angles Sol. It is hard to maintain IP lock.

I have had good luck against some pre-rotation decks but you are more likely to see decks that can rush agendas out before you can lock them down.

I hope you enjoy this. I am certainly having a blast playing it. This is really my first built from scratch deck that has some legs.

11 Sep 2017 Dloaf

I've always wanted to play a deck based around bad pub.

11 Sep 2017 saracenus

And now Revised Core has left this deck in the dust of Mars... You were a good deck for a little while and now you will go to a better place. RIP.

13 Sep 2017 VR-Doggo

@saracenus I mean, really the only thing you are losing from the 'new' rotation is Account Siphon and Medium. You could easily swap Temüjin or Liberated Accountin for the extra money. Multi-access, however, is a bigger puzzle, but one that is nearly all factions are going to face now. The Turning Wheel, or even Indexing might be a solution?

I just think this deck could still work and frankly, exploiting the bad pub mechanic is something I've wanted to try out for a while.

13 Sep 2017 saracenus

@VR-Doggo don't get me wrong, I am working on a new version with the Revised Core cards. Losing Account Siphon means you loose HQ pressure and a huge swing. That just makes it harder to land Mining Accident. The basic engine of the deck is still good, it just needs some tweaking for the new card environment.