Ter+inator - 2nd in Swiss at Nottingham

cableCarnage 2748

no run for you

So B-1001 is a bit of a meme card, with Ysengrin and Métropole Grid calling it trash. Building a deck where it is key is perfect for a friendly casual CO like Nottingham. Where the first person I saw was 2016 World Champion Nemamiah.

Right, so how do we make this bioroid work? The NBN asset tag shell with AR-Enhanced Security is a good starting point aand since we want to generously tag the runner NBN: Reality Plus is the natural ID for this.

One key problem with B-1001 is runners just trashing it so we need ways of recurring the card. As most corps, we got the full set of Spin Doctors but we want more recursion.

I'll be back

We are getting help from HB for getting B-1001 back. Drafter is just a very solid piece of ice that got extra annoying for runners with the Bukhgalter ban. But the star is a new ice releases with TAI, Ablative Barrier. On-rez effects are much harder for the runner to deny than subroutines so the card can easily guarantee the return of our enforcer.

The deck actually went 2-2 on the day. First it lost to Cobalt's Ken in a very tight finish, fishing out the winning ARES from a 5 card HQ. It then beat mezzie and MattOhNo on Spark of Inspiration Kit. Finally, a loss vs Nemamiah's Hoshiko where he spotted the winning line for my deck that I missed.

Overall, I'm pleased with the result and the deck has solid foundations. The draw filtering with Daily Business Show and Federal Fundraising is good, Marilyn Campaign is good long term econ keeping R&D agenda density low, Lady Liberty is good in a Hermes meta and the ice suite is good.

The deck is not without issues though. It really needs some burst economy so it can threaten scores early. The singleton Predictive Planogram is a perfunctory attempt at making the situation better but you need more and better cards like Hedge Fund or Your Digital Life. The idea behind Svyatogor Excavator is to sell spent Pings or Lady Liberty but in practice has been lacklustre and should just be cut.

The biggest problem is how slow this deck plays. You need time to set up your combo but are also resilient so games go long. I went to time or almost in all my games. I would not recommend taking this to a tournament without significant speed improvements.

Thanks for all my opponents for bearing with me while I played this somewhat horrible corp, Matt for organising the tournament, all the lovely folks who attended and made sure new cards were available.

14 Aug 2023 holzpubbnsubbe

This looks fun! I have used Terminator in AgInfusion to good effect but dropped it since I don't enjoy prison so much. Have a look: netrunnerdb.com

The gif is so fitting :)