Glacier Tennin

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atuk84 255

A lot of improvement needs to be done to this deck notably are:

Improved Protein Source -> Obokata Protocol

1 Celebrity Gift -> 1 Mass Commercialization

1 Crisium Grid -> 1 Priority Construction

1 Shipment from Tennin -> 1 Preemptive Action

Can score Obokata Protocol out with Kakugo (inner) & Komainu (outer) at the remote...

Murdered by DDoS En Passant, Priority Construction would be my way out. Would consider removing Hortum for 2 more Priority Construction.

P/S: The nationals version uses 1 Whampoa Reclamation instead of Allele Repression & 1 Crick instead of Hortum

22 Oct 2017 Dazzler

Nice FA deck..

23 Oct 2017 atuk84

thanks @Dazzler but I miss a lot of holes... the deck needs more tuning...