Hard Hitting Crisis

Pinkwarrior 2351

Oh Weyland how i missed you. Make money and kill people is basically the plan still doing a little tweaking hear and their but so far it's killed every runner it's met and almost scored out once.

Stock Buy-Back what am amazing econ card this is especially with so many agendas in the deck & News Team to add to that. Honestly its still good with only 2 agendas in the runners score area It's crazy when their sat on 3 points with 5 in their score area.

Hard-Hitting News the Icing that makes the cake this combos so well with False Lead forcing the runner to keep 2 tags regardless of what they try to do. When it's not doing that you can just use it to score with install advance Oaktown Renovation then tag em up puts the runner in a bind or lastly you can hit em if they just don't have the money to remove tags.

Crisis Management yet to actually do anything but it could help get the kill, it may get changed yet though to something like Chronos Project if it continues to be of no use. Mostly it's been useless because I've not needed the damage to kill them the turn it fires or because I've just not scored one.

The Ice is mainly gear checking allowing you to rush the runner and force them to run low on econ.

2 Aug 2016 h0bb35

Fairchild 1.0 looks intriguing as 1-of. Did you manage to get some value out of it? Also, is there a reason for no Housekeeping? I find it super useful to slow the runner down or to cancel the ever so popular Employee Strike.

2 Aug 2016 Pinkwarrior

@dark_link Fairchild 1.0 is ok i wanted to see what it was like so used it as a 1 of it's basically a Pup tho. Reason for no Housekeeping was just deck slots after some more play I've decided that i don't need the Subliminal Messaging but i would like a 3rd Hard-Hitting News / a Consulting Visit so i think i'll have room for a 1 of at least. I also have decided that Crisis Management isn't doing any work so am gonna trade it to up my False Lead count which is doing work and Hostile Takeover count.

2 Aug 2016 h0bb35

I tried a combination of Housekeeping and News Hounds. It works pretty well as early game deterrent.

2 Aug 2016 Pinkwarrior

@dark_link I think id rather take Data Raven here just cos i won't have many currents and with out one it's just an influence costing Hunter. I don't have 2 much Influence to play with after the Hard-Hitting News & News Team's. I do like that Idea tho maybe that would fit better in a sol deck getting the kill package in will be hard tho.