[Eclipse] Confessions of the Metropolis Spaceship

Gagarin Deep Space Expanding the Horizon

15 influence spent (max 15, available 0)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Rebellion Without Rehearsal
Too many copies of a limited card
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awildturtok 94

This is not a scoring deck

- Gagarin "Space Laser" RenovationCo

Honestly had much more success with this deck than I anticipated. I got to play this twice, once against AnOddRadish, who controlled me admirably, but lost some steam. Only for him to get showered in tags. Amusingly, by this point 30cards in, I had not drawn a single kill piece. So i spent two turns just clicking Jackson (god bless Wage Workers). Which was exactly one less than AnOddRadish needed to get back on his feet and so we renovated his sleeping quarters.

Second game was against Sauc3 on Whizzard, who just basically printed money all game, completely crippling my econ. Meanwhile I was only drawing my kill pieces, and 4 goddamn Government Takeovers.

I think the deck could be restructured to have a scoring fork like eden tried its hands at. So probably dropping the Government takeover for Atlas, dropping the Forced Connection for Hearts and Minds and some ice would help us immensly.

Mumbad Virtual Tour is just such a silly card.


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