I Pick Up My Stack.

CactusJack 118

This deck is by no means a serious, competitive deck, but if you've ever wondered what it's like to pick up your entire stack and put it into your grip - well, this may be the deck for you.

The max hand size you can get out of this deck is 30 (5 starting, 25 additional). If you want more cards, consider using Brain Chip, and Borrowed Satellite as well, and you can get up to 40. The only problem is with Brain Chip, you'd have to steal 3 Global Food Initiative to gain that +9 hand size.

Things you may want to change: Ekomind for Box-E, and Overmind for Faust or something. The ice breakers aren't the best, so tailor those to your desire. Also Skulljack is in there just because I needed to fill in 1 more card slot, but it works well with Chrome Parlor, so, shrug.

Déjà Vu is there to recur Game Day before you Levy AR Lab Access, or get back your D4v1ds, or really whatever you want. This deck requires too much setup, and you'll get crushed by a rush or fast advance deck. However, it gives 0 f****s about any type of damage. Why Game Day and not Duggar's? 2 reasons: click cost, and Duggar's doesn't allow you to draw up to your max hand size all at once. LARLA is obviously there to let you do it all of again :D

25 Jan 2016 CactusJack

Brainstorm will wreck this deck and style of play.