I think a lot of reviews are missing the point of this card. This should not be viewed as a hardware tutor. That's merely a secondary effect, and quite a useful one if you use it for its primary purpose. What's its primary purpose, you ask? To trash your own console! The tutoring just lets you find the console you want to swap to.
That's right folks, in case you didn't already know, you cannot voluntarily trash your current console to install a new one in its place (without help from this or maybe Enforcer 1.0). So if you're like me, and you like to have several different consoles in your deck, and want to use one or the other depending on the situation, this is the card for you.
Love getting that Astrolabe out early, but want to ultimately swap for The Toolbox or Dinosaurus when the time comes? This will let you do it in style. Already holding your other console in hand, or hosting it on Personal Workshop? Then just tutor for whatever hardware suits your needs. Pick whatever will annoy the corp the most.
Lastly, this will probably never see play in criminal, as Doppelgänger and Desperado are essentially interchangeable, so why bother switching? It might see some play in Anarch, though this too seems far fetched. It really shines in faction—not just because it won't cost influence, but due to the fact that Shapers have all the variety when it comes to consoles. Monolith, is this finally time for your 15 Minutes of fame?
Just in case someone reads this card nowadays for any reason, runners are currently able to replace consoles due to a change in rules.
— koga