Hyperdriven Chaos

skewie 259

Hello everyone! I'd like to share this deck that I've been testing out in different iterations and gotten quite a good win/lose ratio on OCTGN.


So what's going on? Mediums and Hyperdrivers is what's going on. The goal is to achieve a "Chaos Turn" of 10-13 clicks, most of which are dedicated to running R&D with Mediums and looking at ALL THE CARDS!!! If this massively chaotic turn fails to win you the game, you still have some options for sniffing out the last few points.


So the game plan is basically to draw lots of cards and earn lots of money while you slowly build up your rig and threaten HQ + Remotes. What we're aiming to do is find a Leprechaun (generally only one is needed) and install Hyperdrivers or SMCs on it to prepare ourselves for the big turn. Don't be afraid to SMC one if your Stack is having a bad day. Preferably you want to keep an SMC to "surprise install" the last needed Hyperdriver(s) before your Chaos Turn.

Other than that we also want to find our Mediums or means of getting them like the Clone Chip+SMC-combo. You really want to keep these hidden until the time comes for us to use Mass Install to install them (and any other programs we might need) all at once and just pound R&D. Don't forget to reuse your Leprechauns to host Mediums!

If the corp stacks up too many ice or upgrades on R&D and you suspect every run will be too taxing during your Chaos Turn, "just" find the Vamp and focus on emptying the corps coffers as the first click of your Chaos Turn, then mass install Mediums and wander into R&D repeatedly!

Keep running R&D and trash anything you feel you can afford given the circumstances and if you've been lucky enough to draw a "Showing off", you can do the accessing in reverse at some point to pretty much guarantee that you'll look through the entirety of their R&D.

You might be thinking to yourself "MAN this sounds expensive." and to that I say, "Good observation, sir/madame!". You really want 30+ (preferably 40+) credits before starting your Chaos Turn. So if you see a Kati turn one, keep that hand and pump her till your sleeves bleed!


Oh and if you do not win on your Chaos Turn, please be advised that you still have 2-3 Mediums out on the board! An R&D lock for the rest of the game is still possible, even if the corp decides to purge.


Of course there's PE that potentially can kill you just by the sheer amount of agenda accesses you'll make during your Chaos Turn (and 'cause of the few cards you have left in hand after Mass Installing). A Feedback Filter is in place to allow you to avoid most of the damage, of course riding on that you have enough money. If you find the Feedback Filter early you could also just try to beat PE the old fashioned way, ain't nobody gonna blame you for that!

I haven't met a Blue Sun yet, but given their PHAT ice and insane money making skills, this could prove to be a tough one.

Butchershop and their "Score Breaking news + kill" combo. Generally you're aiming at having lot's of money so the Midseason threat isn't as large. Butchershop also has pretty porous R&D ice which means we hardly need our breakers or need to worry about getting taxed too much on our Chaos Turn. So the jank will be quicker to setup while requiring a lot less money.


Cyberdex Virus Suite This can of course put a dent in your Chaos Turn. Especially if you encounter several. Just trash, keep smiling and keep running!

Crisium Grid Expensive to trash on your first run. That's about it I guess. If you're going for the Vamp-route just make sure that there isn't one of these on HQ when you play it.

Snare/Shock If you suspect these are lying in wait in R&D, install the Feedback Filter and hope for the best! Good luck!


I would REALLY like some feedback on this one. Despite the jank and the Code Gate-breaker situation I feel that this is still a pretty strong deck that can survive without the actual jank part of it.