Chaos Theory help welcome

A cranberry 1

I don't play a lot of netrunner. I always wanted to try and make a lean chaos theory deck, so any help is welcome. I put in three infiltration, because the few people I play against run a lot of traps.

17 Jul 2016 catch8088

How about Lemuria Codecracker? I'm getting the impression you also don't have a large library of cards.

18 Jul 2016 A cranberry

@catch8088 I like that idea, thanks. I have all of the cards that have been released; I am just not very good at the game. Haha

18 Jul 2016 DavidMac Better option might be to start with this deck, play the drok out of it, then modify from there. As someone who specialises in building ho-hum decks I feel obliged to point out that you're missing many of the necessities. Economy, damage prevention, card recursion. Too many gaps imo.

18 Jul 2016 Igor

It seems you want a prepaid deck, also go head but in the faction. Drop cyberfeeder, special order, garrote and gordian blade. Put Cloak *3, Refractor x1 and Dagger *1 instead. maybe 1 or 2 Lockpick and Silencer too. Replace the armitage by Daily Casts (don't need so much money an daily cast is a click compresion card). don't forget the Ghost Runner and change the console with something cheaper that can help you more like Astrolabe or Maya, and in the future Mirror. If your opponent play a lot of trap put 1 or 2 Guru Davinder and a Feedback Filter.

I did a deck for you, I put the link when it is available.

18 Jul 2016 Igor

The deck

19 Jul 2016 A cranberry

@DavidMac I felt with the Personal Workshop and Armitage Codebusting I would still have Econ for the higher cost cards. Good call on the recursion and you are right. Looking at it now, I have zero damage prevention

19 Jul 2016 A cranberry

@Igor Thank you very much for putting this deck together. Going to stealth breakers instead of the high cost Cyberfeeder and The Toolbox is definitely the core of what I was trying to accomplish. I think the Astrolabe, Guru Davinder, and Clone Chip help my recursion and damage.

This is awesome and I can't wait to try it out. Thanks again !