Killer control

Boomboomwhhoop 1

I'm a new player to android netrunner been playing for about 2 weeks, this is my first deck I've built myself, any feedback welcome after all I'm just learning.

The point of this deck is control, force the runner to spend unnecessary credits to look and trash on the remotes, so they have less credits to shake the tags, also wants to control their rig, and their ability to get cards back in hand, and set them up for scorched, but hopefully you've crippled them enough you can just sit back and score agendas.

Anyway any advice, improvements I would welcome.

Oh I'm not running Jackson Howard as I don't own that set.

26 Jun 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Unless you want to pay $60 on Amazon, no new players own Opening Moves. I started playing right after it went out of stock, so I feel your pain. As for your deck, let's take a look.

You have a lot of agendas. At 13 cards out of 49, there's a 27% chance that the runner is going to pluck an agenda on a random access, and that's at the start of the game. That probability only gets higher as you empty out R&D. You'd be able to mitigate this somewhat if you were running any kind of fast-advance, but you aren't so I'd take a look at your spread and see if you can go down to at least 10-11. Keep in mind that The Board is basically an agenda as well, you don't have a way to tutor it, and once the runner knows where it is he's going to money up and go take it (typically for the win).

You don't have any barriers. Weyland is barriers. Spiderweb is releasing imminently and feels very Gagarin to me. Cerberus "Lady" H1 is super popular right now and Spiderweb eats it alive. A first turn Ice Wall can let you score any of your agendas on turn 2. There are plenty of other examples, but if you play a bit you will see what I mean.

Your assets + Oaktown Grid + the 1 tax from the identity are a smart combination. Good work there.

You probably don't need both Housekeeping and Paywall Implementation. Most runners pack 0-2 currents, oftentimes as defensive measures. You want to be able to turn these off on your terms, but your currents are going to get eaten alive by your agenda density.

You've only got one way to tag the runner (Hunter) and it isn't even a solid one. I'd chuck Hunter and Scorched Earth and go for some more econ or ICE.

Bad pub is really terrible for Gagarin (it basically turns off your ability). I'd replace Checkpoint with some barriers.

RSVP is in a similar boat now; the prevalence of Yog.0 + Net-Ready Eyes and the like means that it's hunting season on strength 4 code gates. It costs Gordian Blade 3 to break, so it isn't even all that taxing at the best of times.

If you really like these pieces of ICE, run Corporate Troubleshooter, or IT Department, or Patch.

You don't have Jackson Howard, but you can probably get access to Daily Business Show, which I highly recommend. One rezzed will help you control your agendas in hand, and two feels about as good as picking the card you want out of your deck every turn.

That's a lot of stuff, so tl;dr:

Great start, but there are absolutely some modifications you can make. Have fun!

26 Jun 2015 Boomboomwhhoop

@FarCryFromHuman thanks for the advice, always appreciated, I'll switch up and chop and change no doubt as I play more and get more confident in playing, just wanted to make sure the fundamentals are sound enough.