Legends of the Hidden Temple 5th, then 1st

CJFM 2270

Notable Finishes:

-5th place, Meeples games (1st after Swiss) (Runner: Kate Hyperdriver)

-1st place, Uncles Games Bellevue (1st after Swiss) (Runner: Kate Hyperdriver) -1 Root, +1 Interns

Meeples Write-up (5th):

This deck is a beast. It was undefeated in Swiss (3 games - I had a bye first round) at the Meeples SC (31 players). During Swiss I played two Noise and one Nexus Kate, the two deck archetypes that everyone kept saying must have the optimal matchup against this thing. Really, they don't. Unless Nexus Kate is playing Shrike, she has no way to deal with stacked Tour Guides. Noise hates seeing Assassins and Spiderwebs, and Tour Guide, and Corp Town is the nail in the coffin.

In the Cut I beat another Kate Nexus deck, and lost to a MaxX Siphon/Keyhole thing because variability had me draw into 4 agendas, and the MaxX player found many, many agendas off Keyhole runs. It was a weird game of all the wrong things happening at the same time. In any case, that matchup should actually be in my favor (and testing proves it is).

This deck plays traditional netrunner. Good ice and no defensive upgrades. Who needs those? With only 10 agendas in the deck, R&D is insanely safe, but you should feel able to push some agendas if you sense weakness. The deck requires some practice, but once you get the hang of it, you can basically wreck everything. Don't even bother asking about Whizzard. The deck is undefeated against Whizzard in about a dozen games. He just can't keep up. I haven't played against that many Gabes, but it seems like a 50-50 matchup, depending on what he gets early, and whether you get an answer to siphon (museums + things to rez + crisium are all good options).

This is, far and away, the best Gagarin deck I've played, and the best one I've built. There are other Gagarin decks out there, but 54 cards is where it's at. Museum and Temple do SO MUCH work in this deck that it's unreal.

Weyland doesn't need Hedge Funds in space.

Uncles Write-up (1st):

Deck changes: -1 Root, +1 Interns

Round 1: Alexander ('Rara Noise/NEXT Design) Alexander is a cool guy who makes some really odd, but interesting brews. His Noise looked like it was the usual Sahasrara/Aesops fare, but he didn't ever get the engine running, and I scored out behind a single Spiderweb. Prestige: 4

Round 2: Gabe (Whizzard Ice Feast/Gagarin Scorch + Snare + Response Team) Gabe has been out of the meta for a while, but he was a strong pilot of Whizzard and made short work of some of my ICE. He smartly trashed my Museums first and then went back in for the DBSes, but left one (iirc). This game was tough, but I got the Corp Town rezzed behind a huge server, blew up his stuff, and then started scoring from behind that server after Jacksoning back my Tour Guides. DBS eventually drew me everything I wanted. Prestige: 8

Round 3: Noah (@podoboyz99): Kate Apocalypse/Gagarin Temple Noah knows my deck, inside and out, and his Apocalypse Kate was a smart tech against it. I didn't know he was on Apocalypse until he trashed my Hostile Infrastructure (and I hadn't found any Crisiums yet!). By the time the Apocalypse came, once, twice, and a third time, I knew it was only a matter of time, even if I managed to sneak out a few points. Prestige: 10 (runner win vs his Gagarin)

Round 4: Stephen (@pandapersona): Kit Parasite/Spark "I'm a Jerk" Stephen is my sparring partner for every deck. We deckbuild basically every day, and he was pretty familiar with my deck. He teched a single Parasite in Kit for all the Tour Guides, but our game didn't get to the point where he really needed it, as he snagged two points on R&D turn one, then Legworked for four more. Flood is real, son. Prestige: 12 (runner win vs his Spark)

Top 4 - Round 1: vs Stephen: Gagarin vs his Kit, again. This game was much better for me, as I ended up getting Corp Town rezzed, and blowing up his stuff. But some really well-timed single-accesses on R&D ended up getting him the game before I was able to find enough ICE.

Losers Semis vs Matt: HB: ETF Next Ice Media Blitz Mandatory Upgrades Runner Win - Matt didn't really get set-up, and I started poking everywhere and trashing everything. He managed to score an ABT early, but that put him in the poor house for most of the game, and well-timed Legworks and Indexings did him in.

Losers Finals vs Stephen: my Kate vs Spark

This game was epic. It had everything. I go agenda hunting in his remotes, but come up mostly empty. Stephen manages to get to get to 6 points scoring a Global Food, Breaking News (in which he killed my Pro-Co with All-Seeing Eye), and an Astro. He used the Astro Token in the process of killing my Pro-Co, and I was pretty sure he didn't have any other Fast Advance (no SanSans or Biotics) in the deck, so I start camping remotes. In the process of doing so, I get to 6 points. So we're tied, and I keep running remotes, going broke, then ProCoing back up to a reasonable cash flow. I end up using my SOT to Legwork him for the 6th point, but go bankrupt and run out of cards in deck. I have a Cyber-Cypher on R&D and a Lady out already. Finally, he places a Public Support behind a four-ice-deep server, when I have zero cred, and no cards in hand. So, two turns left: I hyperdriver up to a reasonable amount of cred and then run R&D, pay through a Tollbooth - nothing there. The Public Support ticks down, he ices R&D again, but he's extremely poor. Basically, this is the last turn. I have to click up and run R&D, so I do. He decides not to rez the ice (News Hound, but no current active!), and I pay through the Booth and go broke (please not NAPD, please not NAPD). Stephen says he gets nervous, and so dilutes the deck with Jackson (peeking at the top card, which was NOT an Agenda, in the process). We shuffle, cut, and... I grab the last Breaking News for the 7th point off the top.

Winners Finals vs Noah (@Podoboyz99) Game 1: my Gagarin vs his Apocalypse Kate

This game was a GRIND, and not for lack of trying, but because we were both countering each other's plays very concertedly: Him, trashing my Crisium Grids and stockpiling money, and me, Internsing Crisium Grids and heavily ICEing R&D so he couldn't get in. He manages to snipe four points on R&D early, but I stabilize and start building a server. He tries trashing important stuff (museum and DBS) while stockpiling money. I manage to score three Public Sympathy while keeping him busy. Can't remember what my 5th point was (I believe it was NAPD), but I get to game point. Eventually, I find NAPD Contract and the second Tour Guide and slam them both into the super server, and advance the NAPD. He gives, and we go to game two.

Winners Finals vs Noah, Game 2: Kate Hyperdriver with Paricia vs his Gagarin

Another grind, but I get my Paricia early and start trashing his museums. Every. Single. One. Even when they were behind four ICE. You have to trash those. I manage to kill a DBS before he gets Hostile Infrastructure rezzed, and I stop bullying his remotes. I keep checking remotes to make sure no agendas get snuck out. I pick a Global Food from HQ, then an NAPD from the remote, going broke, but I keep ProCo'ing to get my econ going, and find a patch of money in the deck. Eventually, patience will out. I levy, keep poking, and get to six points. The slugfest keeps going until I dig hard for Maker's and launch into R&D to find the last two points!

GGs to everyone at Uncles! What a day!


Some tech choices:

I used to play 2 Root, but decided that it was a luxury some games, and I cut one for a Liz Mills (which I incidentally never used during the tournament - a single Housekeeping or Paywall Implementation or even a third Crisium Grid would probably have been better). Still, the deck is weak to Val Blackmail spam, and that needs to be taken into account when you take this to a tournament. There was one Val at the tournament, but I didn't play her.

The Root is the first cut I made for the Uncles' SC, and the addition of Interns was easily the best choice I made for the deck. So, if going forward with this, cut the Root for Interns. It's a life-saver!

Executive Boot Camp is essential. I had been playing one Tech Startup, but decided to put Boot Camp back in as an added way to deal with Val. It also helped me fetch a Corp Town, which I rezzed to blow up the resources of one of the Noises I faced. The game was a struggle for him at that point, and the scoring remote became unbeatable.

Possible Tech Choices: Housekeeping I haven't played with this as much as Paywall Implementation, but I get the sense that Housekeeping does more work overall. Either this or another ICE (second Hadrians is best).

How to Play:

Ice R&D first, usually (I iced HQ against MaxX, and it costed me the game). Spam assets when you can, and try to get a Pad or Turtlebacks or both up and rezzed. Mumba Temple helps with that, but it also helps you rez Ice.

The big Asset combo is Museum of History + DBS. What, you say? Isn't that a "nonbo"? No, it's not. Trigger the Museum first, shuffling the deck, then DBS, placing a card (possibly an agenda) on the bottom of the deck. That makes your density all the worse for the runner.

Because the deck spams assets like there's no tomorrow, you can probably sneak out an Atlas or advance an early NAPD behind a Tour Guide, Enigma, or Spiderweb. That's probably a good idea, as it forces your opponent to start playing faster, and that's what we want. If your opponent is checking all remotes, be patient and try to shuffle back your agendas with a Jackson overdraw. Keep HQ clean. I must stress this: keep HQ clean.

Matchup Specific Comments:

Noise: a hard matchup, but it should be in your favor if you do 2 things: keep him off Imps and ICE your first Museum of History. Oh, also ICE HQ first. (So 3 things.) You can lose if two things happen to you: 1) your assets get Imped early on, and 2) you get Lamprey Locked. If you manage to get an early agenda, consider putting him in the Corp Town, and watch Noise cry (there's really no way for him to deal with it). ICE, even double ICE your Corp Town, and just start playing your game as you see fit. Crisium R&D and purge when Medium gets big. Assassin is your best R&D Ice in this matchup, and if you can get a Hadrians in front of it, you're probably set. Assassin + Crisium should seal up R&D though. Liz Mills is the backup plan, but you want to use it to kill Aesops. Giving the corp bad pub is not great though.

Nexus Kate: If they're playing Shrike, you need to rush hard, but they don't often play that. You should have set-up time where you can score an agenda or two. Public Supports are super taxing for Kate. They have no answer to Tour Guide, and this deck, when it sits back, can just make tons of cash (especially if you get a few Turtles rezzed). Remote ICE: Tour Guide + Enigma. R&D ICE: Tour Guide + Spiderwebs. Corp Town and Lizzie are dead in this matchup.

Calimsha Kate: Indexing is your worst nightmare. Ice R&D fast and keep HQ clean. Kate might check remotes, but you can put her in the Corp Town, and you'll just win the game. Spam Assets a lot here. Crisium on R&D and keep putting it there.

Whizzard: This SHOULD be in Whizzard's favor, but it's not. He has limited money, and even though he can trash your stuff, you can throw more out faster than he can trash (and he has to pay a cred at least each time!). Get a Hostile Infrastructure rezzed, and he might stop trashing stuff. Corp Town can also seal it off here, but he is the only runner that will be able to trash it. I sometimes use Corp Town in this matchup just to snipe Wyldeside or a full Liberated. Killing econ really, really hurts Whizzard. Be wary of Parasite, which will screw up your Tour Guides, but he has limited Parasites. This game goes about 30-35 minutes, usually, but it's in your favor.

Criminal nonsense: [reserved for after more testing]

Apocalypse MaxX: get Hostile as fast as is humanly possible, or just Crisium Grid HQ and R&D. R&D first if the player is on Keyhole. Mulliganning for Crisium isn't a bad idea, either. This matchup should be in your favor provided you get a few ice early. Ice destruction hurts, but the worst thing is Lamprey Lock. Mumba Temples help with this.

22 Feb 2016 tonybluehose

I've been playing against this deck for a few weeks now and I can attest to it's power level. If you don't have any ice destruction (or GS Shrike M2) then this deck is a pain. There are so many targets that need trashing...good stuff here!

22 Feb 2016 remorhaz

If you like going rogue this is a good deck choice. MWL did Gagarin a few big favors. Val and Whiz not easily being able to import Desperado plus tour guide holding up a bit more with less parasite and clone chips is important for this deck. Criminals being out of the meta is also big. Security testing and desperado could get obnoxious.

22 Feb 2016 MoxWall

Have you thought about working in an interns?

22 Feb 2016 CJFM

@MoxWall I have, but what to cut?

22 Feb 2016 shinygerbil

I'm sure you've already experimented with it, but is Archer any good in this deck? Is it worth replacing a Caduceus/ Tour Guide?

22 Feb 2016 CJFM

@shinygerbil Well, it's an option. There are problems with playing Archer in this deck. Here's how I see it:

1) you only have 13 ice, as it is, 1 of which is a behemoth (Hadrian's) so you essentially have 12 ice you can play turn 1 and would have a high probability of being able to rez.

2) the deck already sacs an agenda to Corporate Town which does mostly the same thing Archer does in the matches where you want it (both are good against Faust decks, which all play pancakes combo, but Corp Town can wreck any resource deck, not just Faust-based ones). Corp Town is additionally tutorable with Bootcamp.

3) Corporate Town synergizes better with the asset approach and is another couple bucks out of Turtlebacks.

4) You never would cut Tour Guides or Caduceus. Both are frustrating for Faust players because they require you to either pay lots of cards or find your alternate breaking method (parasite for Tour Guide, Mimic for Caduceus). Finding those things takes time, and they usually only have 1 Mimic.

5) Losing a Corp Town drains a lot of money, while losing an Archer to Forked just costs the runner cards. Draining money is more in-line with the game plan.

After weighing the options, I went with no Archer. I've found it just hurts too much when the runner can usually ignore it, and Shaper has no trouble putting Atman at 6 nowadays.

22 Feb 2016 Saan

You know, I love my Gagarin build and all, but it honestly doesn't have the greatest Whizz matchup. I'm gonna take your build for a spin, @CJFM. I really think you're on to something here.

22 Feb 2016 CJFM

@Saan Thanks, hope you enjoy it as much as I do. :)

23 Feb 2016 moistloaf

Without upgrades, how do you win versus remote camp? Granted this requires early recognition by your opponent of your strategy, but in my experience all the ICE in the world won't protect your remote from getting cracked once. Do you think this build would still be strong if it became popular and Runners had experience against it ? Seems like never run centrals is the answer to this deck.

23 Feb 2016 CJFM

@moistloaf what, are they going to check all your remotes, even unadvanced? and even iced? If they get in once, you likely have a scoring window. Not hitting centrals is a fast way to lose.

23 Feb 2016 jage

I don't understand how you beat Whizzard when he can just parasite your tour guide.

23 Feb 2016 Andannius

I'm with @jage...how do you avoid just getting R&D locked? All of your ICE is either easily Parasite'd or easily cutlered with D4v1d. Once the one-of Cyberdex Virus Suite is gone it's open season.

23 Feb 2016 CJFM

@jage @Andannius There are no Seasons in space. Look, it seems like Whizzard has every tool to do it. The problem is that his deck relies so hard on Faust and Liberated and he loses so much money running remotes and playing cards that he can't get in when it matters. If he's not running remotes, you start to go infinite with money, and museums shuffle stuff back in. Dbs finds you more ice. He can't do everything. Noise also has medium and parasite, and I though that match was unfavorable about a week ago.

I'm not trying to sound righteous, and as I tested nore and more against whizzard (playing as and against him vs Gagari Temple) I just started to see his seams, and then his game plan unravelled.

23 Feb 2016 rumirumirumirumi

Museums prevent R&D lock by shuffling the deck before drawing. DBSs let you see more of your deck so you can choose the best card for the moment. Museums also let you get ice back that they trash. If they don't spend their time (and real credits) running and trashing the assets, you can build a very powerful boardstate.

Whizzard is certainly a hard match up for this style of deck, but it still requires skilled play from the runner. It's by no means an auto-lose situation.

23 Feb 2016 rumirumirumirumi

I really like this style of deck that people are playing with the Temple +Museum +DBS. I like the speed and scoring strategy in NEH better, but I like the way Gagarin forces extra credits to be spent on the asset spam and the stopping power of the ice.

23 Feb 2016 jage


Don't get me wrong, I haven't played it. I'll give it a try. Maybe 2 hostile infrastructures instead of 1 would help against Whizzard.

23 Feb 2016 CJFM

@jage It's all good. I'm just speakig from having played it a lot. The deck is by no means pick-up-and-play or auto-pilot. But in the past, Gagarin decks have been really lacklustre to me. They all have had the same problem of rnd death. I honestly think that some of the deck's resilience is in the 10 agenda suite (requiring 4 stolen) in a 54 card deck.

I can't overstate how powerful Museum + dbs + temple is.

I wanted a second Hostile, but I think your beat bet is just to bootcamp for it. I hear the NEH temple deck plays 2. Must be nice...

23 Feb 2016 AsteriskCGY

This makes Archives Interface much more tempting.

23 Feb 2016 podoboyz99

After (admittedly little) playtesting, I can confirm the Lizzie Mills sucks. I think a second Bootcamp or a Will o Wisp as a quasi-defensive upgrade. Hopefully this deck will get some support in Mumbad, it's fun to play (as I am typing this I realize it's probly a pain to play against).

23 Feb 2016 cspieker

I think Lizzie Mills is a necessary evil. Because of no defensive upgrades, Blackmail would be very inconvenient for this deck. Lizzie Mills let's you burn a bad pub, and Bootcamp can pre-rez stuff. Pre-rezzing is not the best versus a runner with Parasite (esp. rezzing a Tour Guide), so having both is likely important. Lizzie Mills can also kill the Wyldside or a Pawnshop. I played a game last night (vs. Whizzard) in which I Lizzie Mills killed the Wyldside, Museumed it back into the deck, then Bootcamp fetched it to remove the bad pub.

Will o will not help vs. Blackmail.

23 Feb 2016 CJFM

I'm on the same page as @cspieker, as he's helped me test the deck more than anyone, and he has some experience both with and against it. I don't like having Lizzie, but having 2 ways to beat Wyldeside and Aesops is just fantastic. I am considering cutting the The Root for a current, either Housekeeping or Paywall Implementation. Any thoughts from the collective?

24 Feb 2016 moistloaf

@CJFM my point was that you can only get to 6 pts by playing the Never Advance game. i was thinking the Runner builds board while letting you durdle and install one million assets, then just camps your scoring remote. especially an anarch who can blow up Tour Guides which are really your only decent ICE (a bizarre statement)

24 Feb 2016 CJFM

@moistloaf I only play the never advance game if I know I can win it. The deck has to keep pushing agendas because making the runner HAVE to install stuff pushes them toward poverty. You can easily score NAPDs, too. It's really not that hard in this kind of deck. I generally score one or two public supports in every game. That and even one 2/3 puts me in a really solid position to win.

I agree that, in theory, camping a single remote would be strong. But it's not that simple. Runners can't really do that anymore. Noise can't. Whizzard can try, but he really can't. If the runner leaves too many assets, they will hurt her. She will get put in Corp Town, and the runner will have no money for the rest of the game.

Oh, and Tour Guide is great, but Assassin is a close second for best ice in the deck.

24 Feb 2016 Saan

@CJFM I think that about every deck I throw Assassin in. It's an absolute beast.

24 Feb 2016 voltorocks

Hats off to this deck, it's crushing ever since I sleeved it up - just a 2c to the doubters, I get it. it doesn't seem like it should work, but a lot of the time it does. the ole' "camp a single remote" plan is really tough becaus e the deck can force you to start camping real quick, and all it takes is 1 NAPD or a few missed public supports and you're S.O.L.

I don't know if I believe yet that this can be truly competitive, but the skeleton is here - looking forward to messing around with this as it seems weyland is only headed for more asset support.

24 Feb 2016 moistloaf

at least 3 people were playing this at Raygun tonight. i definitely saw its power demonstrated. it doesnt personally appeal to me but i will dread the day i play against it. ppl can't be salty about faust as long as this deck is around ^_^ if everything is 'unfair' / 'unfun', than nothing is!

24 Feb 2016 CJFM

Awesome :)

24 Feb 2016 jage

With all this money, I feel like we should be able to find the influence for an ash.

24 Feb 2016 jage

Ok, so, I've tried Gagarin a lot, tried Museum of History, but not with Daily Business Show. Played some last night, and it was working, but didn't get any Whizzard games in. Here are some thoughts:

Not sure if The Root is necessary, what are your thoughts on cutting it? It's nice to have, but I feel like it's usually superfluous (either you have all your assets up so you don't need the money, or they're trashing everything possible so it won't last more than a turn). It's not BAD, but maybe something else could be better?

I'm going -1 Diversified Portfolio to add in +1 Housekeeping. Not sure if this is the "best" move, but getting an early #Housekeeping seems like it would be amazing. What are your experiences with Diversified Portfolio? Too good to cut? I feel like if they're leaving assets you don't really need the money anyway, and if they're trashing them it doesn't help.

Thought about adding Archer, but I feel like you don't really want to be sacrificing any points. I think you're gonna be trying to rush out the points. I get what you're saying about ice destruction; if they trash the ice, you just Museum of History it back in, and re-rez it since you're swimming in credits.

My biggest problem is finding what to cut. And the fact that Weyland needs better, diverse in-faction ice. Mainly, a higher-str code gate with ETR. Have you considered Datapike instead of Enigma? Maybe switch out 1? What about some of the advanceable ice like Wormhole? Faust? I know, one sub is bad for D4v1d, which is probably why it isn't included. Swarm? Only running a Mimic, this could kill Faust. Orion?

24 Feb 2016 CJFM

@jage all good ideas. Swapping out a Datapike for enigma is fine. Someone else suggested Orion in one of my vids, but I haven't messed with that yet. Could be better than Hadrians?

The Root is probably unnecessary, so it can get cut for an ice or current, which, given how people are thinking about teching against this, might be a good idea. Housekeeping or Paywall, that is the question...

Portfolio effectively won me a game against Nexus Kate, so only cut one, if you have to. I rather like bursting to 15 creditels and being able to rez hadrians.

24 Feb 2016 CJFM

Creditel? Credits. Thanks phone.

24 Feb 2016 jage

Orion is better for the anarch match-up, I think, because of the extra sub, but it is terrible if they are playing Study Guide. But, does anyone actually play Study Guide? I guess if you're worried you can just sub in Hadrian's Wall. Or maybe just switch to Curtain Wall.

24 Feb 2016 BoomFrog

"Trigger the Museum first, shuffling the deck, then DBS, placing a card (possibly an agenda) on the bottom of the deck. That makes your density all the worse for the runner."

FYI it doesn't work that way. Cutting the top cards off your deck exposes a completely random card to the runner. Arranging the cards that are placed on the bottom doesn't change that. If DBS let you choose to put cards back on top that would be a different story but the fact is that it doesn't.

It's still strong because it increases your chance to draw what you shuffled in which was obviously important. But it doesn't thin your agenda density.

24 Feb 2016 jage

@BoomFrog, the point isn't that the runner isn't seeing a non-random card. By placing an agenda at the bottom of the deck, you are decreasing the chance that the top cards are agendas. If there are, say, 10 agendas currently in the deck, and you put 2 of them at the bottom with Daily Business Show, then you have effectively thinned your deck by 2 agendas for the RnD access.

24 Feb 2016 CJFM

@BoomFrog yeah, the point is that you control where at least one of your agendas is.

24 Feb 2016 voltorocks

IDK about Orion in this list. people are hot on it right now b/c it's kicking ass in bblum's Blue sun list, but it's much weaker when you can't de-rez it to re-position or protect from cutlery. It's also tough in this list which has relatively few ICE so the chance of it becoming 2-sub because there are no other ice rezzed is very real. Also, @jage rightly mentions Study Guide but there's also Cyber-Cypher, Faerie, etc. to worry about. the point being that for your one beefy ice it kind of sucks that they get to pick and choose their best solution to it.

played a few more games and finally lost! straight-up good stuff whizzard who drew his one-of Hacktivist Meeting in his opening hand and went to work making money and trashing assets. Given the nightmare situation this presented, I actually made it to 5 points, but eventually he cracked RnD open and I couldn't recover. It really taught me a lot though about playing the list under pressure and what rezzes were really important. EBC into Hostile Infrastructure cost me everything in my hand and lost me 2 points, but it bought me the small window I needed to score an atlas and break the hacktivist meeting and ultimately get in the game.

24 Feb 2016 CJFM

@voltorocks This is a good point, if currents start to be played more often (either hacktivist or e-strike) it would behoove us to include one or two in this list.

25 Feb 2016 magikot

I played a few games with this and it's really good. But I was never happy to see The Root. It always felt like a "win more" card. I would cut it for an Interns. Being able to recur Lizzie, Hostile, etc. would be amazing. I'd also probably swap one Diversified for a Paywall to both counter the runner currents and make you more money. Over the course of the game you should be able to get as many credits from a Paywall as you do from a Diversified.

25 Feb 2016 jage

So, thinking about how to combat Whizzard more. I want to add in a Levy University. I also added a Paywall Implementation and a Housekeeping. Maybe trash Housekeeping and add in Levy University?

25 Feb 2016 CJFM

@jage Not sure it needs Levy University, but it's a thing to test. I played with Paywall yesterday and it netted me about 8-10 cred over the game. Not bad! Housekeeping is also a great choice. I'm considering playing one of housekeeping and one Interns to recur Lizzie.

25 Feb 2016 jage

``@CJFM` Right now I have 1 Paywall Implementation, 1 Housekeeping, and 1 Diversified Portfolio. I could cut one to add an Interns, which I want, but I didn't really want to cut any of the assets, they all seem like must-includes. I cut The Root to make the room.

Housekeeping is great if it is gotten early, but usually useless later. So I might cut it for the interns.

I hate these decisions!

25 Feb 2016 CJFM

@jage I know, they're tough to make, especially if you're taking the deck to a tournament. I would go with 1 interns and keep either the Housekeeping or Paywall. Interns plays really well with the suite, and it combos with Lizzie.

28 Feb 2016 rojazu

I faced two issues with this deck during testing. Firstly, the econ is a juggernaught when it gets going but getting it off the ground can be challenging especially against wiz or a crim with desperado and sec testing. Secondly, the lack of a defensive upgrade is problematic for scoring out, if they have an answer to tour guides. Have you found the same thing. I am thinking to try -3 turtles -1 hostile infra -1 mills -1 root +3 launch campaign +2 ash +1 blacklist. Thoughts?

28 Feb 2016 CJFM

Losing the Turtles kinda sucks, but if you really need a defensive upgrade, sure.

I just won a SC with this list. - Root + Interns. The deck was 3-3 on the night, beating a whizzard, noise, and Apocalypse Kate in the finals. The losses were to Parasite Kit, against a friend who knew the deck (twice, he, @pandapersona, had my number), and the Apoc Kate (another friend @podoboyz99 who was also running this list with a few changes and came in second!).

I think the Anarch matchup in general is good. Need to shore up the Katw matchup a bit (blacklist can help). There's still more work to do with this archetype, and I can only see it getting better.

29 Feb 2016 W4lt3r B15h0p

I piloted this same deck earlier today. I was impressed with how it can really grind down the game. At one point i had a total of 8 rezzed assets, allowing my Tour Guide's to be uber taking.

29 Feb 2016 TheBigBoy

@CJFMThis is really fun! I think there is definite promise here (and I typically have ZERO faith in horizontal decks). I'm not sure what the Root is doing here. In all my games it went unrezzed/unused. It seems a bit win-more. Is the Mills just for the Val Match-up?

29 Feb 2016 CJFM

@TheBigBoy Thanks man! Yeah, the root was cut from my SC decklist in favor of Interns. @podoboyz99 worked on adding a few more tech pieces (the second Hadrians and one Troubleshooter). (Ultimately, I just decided to revise this description a bit instead of making a whole new decklist entry.)

Mills is specifically for the Val matchup, but with the Interns, you get the sometimes-relevant interaction of Rez-Mills-Blow-Up-Wyldeside-Interns-Mills-rez-Mills plays. I sometimes use it as a weaker alternative to Corp Town in the relevant matchups, but it could be cut, ultimately.

I need to add the write-up from the SC (as the current write-up is from the previous weekend). I'll do that soon.

29 Feb 2016 CJFM

Updated with SC write-up!

12 Mar 2016 C4344

I had to pay 29c to get through 3 ice. I don't like this deck.

12 Mar 2016 Nikola

@CJFM Love this deck! How do you feel about swapping New Construction in for Oaktown Renovation? It would have great synergy with Mumbad Construction Co., but I'm not sure what to cut for it.

Also, If you guy's like this deck, it was recently featured on CodeMarvelous' ANRBlackhats:
derezzed: youtu.be
test run: youtu.be

And you can see it expertly piloted by CJFM at Hidden Assets: www.youtube.com

I really hope to see Gagarin turn into a real powerhouse in the Mumbad cycle.

14 Mar 2016 BayushiOliveira

Congratulations! I'm playing your deck all day, and it's really awesome!

17 Mar 2016 CJFM

@BayushiOliveira Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it! :D

20 Mar 2016 Vanadium

Hey @CJFM, just wanted to let you know I took this to a store champ today and got 1st place. Only 10 people, so not a major win, but still. I stared at your build for a long time trying to come up with a different way to customize it to my personal taste or local meta, but I ended up changing nothing at all.

Won against Tech Trader/B&E Geist, Chameleon Hayley, Maxx, and Siphon spam Jesminder. Dropped one game with my runner and another runner game went to a timed win. It's definitely a slow, grinding deck, but it does its job!

Thanks for the great deck!

20 Mar 2016 CJFM

@Myth Great to hear! Congrats on the win! :)