Triple-value-Snares Outfit, no Big Deal

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theoneakaneo 108

Trying to find sth fun and somewhat competitive for Belgian Nats, I was unwilling to play

  • NBN (I mainly play it now and then to hopefully discover know how to dismantle it later as a runner),
  • nor Jinteki (didn't really find anything I really liked, and I refuse to play Jinteki N-PE)
  • nor HB (couldn't find or build any sportsmetal deck I really enjoyed)
  • nor Weyland's Boat shenanigans (my brain would probably melt)

I was trying to find a Corp deck I would enjoy playing at Belgian Nationals.

I've always loved to play Weyland and I'm known to start each Corp with at least 1 Snare! and then add 3 Hedge Fund, I stumbled on this spicy Outfit build

Good fundamentals, kill & trap & fast advance possibilities ... in short a "classic" weyland deck that can be flexed a bit fitting one's playstyle

Probably not thé best Corp deck out there, but I had good fun with this and would certainly recommend if you want something "simple" yet flexible.

A big thanks to @clusterfox & @slowriffs for all the hard work they put into organising & running the event. Also a big thanks to everyone playing, nice people great venue, fun games & good chats ... it was blast.


26 Sep 2023 belazor

Thanks for the games, they were great fun - especially the one where all three Snares were in the bottom 20 cards. ;)

26 Sep 2023 theoneakaneo

Yeah, unlike during swiss, my Snares and spin doctors just wouldn’t show up all day during the cut. Tnx again 4 the great games & congrats on the win! :-)

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