Apocalypse Delivery System

FightingWalloon 50

This deck is terrible

You have been warned. Playing this deck is a lot like doing this:

Funny GIF

It all began rather simply

I was checking in on the latest Slack conversation about Apex when I saw yet another Apex deck without an Apocalypse in it. The pilot -- who had won quite a lot with the deck -- was explaining how his Chop Bot 3000 and Spy Camera engine gave him reliable draw and econ. With the big rig, though, it no longer makes any sense to run Apocalypse.

All I could think was:


There is only one reason to play Apex.


So this deck was born. It is rather simple. Its only purpose is to land Apocalypse as early and as often in the game as possible. Keep the Corp board state in the early game and somehow win off of single accesses.

Like I said at the beginning, this deck is terrible.

The game plan

With DDoS and Spear Phishing, you can run through any server with 2 ice on it, so you must land the first Apoc before the Runner gets the third ice on a central. Of course, you could use Crypsis or Endless Hunger to get through that third ice if you had to, but your goal is to blow up the board before it comes to that. Fortunately, the most popular Apex builds are not running Apoc any more, so your opponent will likely not expect they need to stack ice three-deep on a central server to avoid a nasty surprise.

The first Apoc is usually a minor annoyance to the Corp. The second begins to really cause problems. The third usually comes when decking out is starting to become a serious danger for the Corp. No one is laughing at that point.

It is all not sunshine and roses, though. You have almost no plan against Crisium Grid other than installing Interdiction and hoping the Corp does not pre-rez the Grid for some reason. If you want to get really whacky, you could slot an Amped Up to try to let you install Interdiction on the Apoc turn, but this is dangerous as the brain damage might spike the Apoc from your hand.


Under no circumstances, should you run an iced central server. The goal of the deck is to blow up ice while it is still face down. The best time to do this is when an agenda is partially advanced in a remote, but you cannot always arrange that. Since the Corp won't be spending credits to rez ice, it will be rich, so you will not be able to avoid things like HHN or other annoying Corp tricks. Against a tagging deck, you will be tagged.

If you expect trouble with net damage during the Apoc turn, install Heartbeat first, otherwise most of your cards in this deck are just filler that slow down your search for DDoS and Apoc.

In the end, this is a deck about glory not efficiency or effectiveness or winning. Who needs those things? Just listen to brother Keanu.

21 Dec 2017 CommissarFeesh

Councilman > interdiction?

21 Dec 2017 CommissarFeesh

I'm an idiot. Apex can't install Councilman.

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