Dangerous Toys - 2nd Place - Comic Cellar, Memphis, TN

sjohn 112


Oversight AI on both Curtain Wall and Orion along with Eliza's Toybox to help produce income while centrals were taxing. If the runner had enough credits to deny me the income I would typically create a new server just for the ICE to make the runs as worthless as possible.

I was expecting Keyhole/Eater combos since it was so close to the Order and Chaos release, faced a couple but the Crisium Grid worked to stop other run events as well. Daily Business Show helped with card filtering to pull up what was needed most in those instances. Executive Boot Camp had many purposes between anti-blackmail and tutoring of Jackson Howard, Elizabeth Mills, or Eliza's Toybox, there were plenty of juicy targets to tutor up.

One of the plays I had ready to go with a Valencia match up was Executive Boot Camp into the remote, trash and a credit to pull up Elizabeth Mills rezzing to remove the bad publicity. And then hope I could weather the first turn assault. With only 9 agendas in the deck it wasn't likely to give up too many points. If I had an Ice Wall in hand (not too awful likely with only 2 in the deck) it would be placed on the most important server.

Checkpoint on R&D was very successful as it was either taxing or worked as a soft ETR.



  1. Noise - Loss
  2. Kit - Win
  3. Andromeda - Win
  4. Leela Patel - Win
  5. Kate - Win

Single Elimination

  1. MaxX - Win
  2. MaxX - Loss

Potential Changes

I could easily see going down to one-of Daily Business Show only a few times did I have 2 out at the same time. That might would buy me another decent early ice like an Eli 1.0 which I felt was somewhat lacking. I was heavily dependent on Oversight AI and Eliza's Toybox for economy generation. I thought I would get more usage out of Errand Boy and Taurus but those mainly became Archer protection against Forked. Caduceus might fit better instead of Errand Boy. But it did fire several times during the day and as we all know, you only can ever expect ICE subroutines to fire AT MOST once per game.

Actual Changes

I swapped 1 Crisium Grid and 1 Midseason Replacements for 2 SEA Source to be able to threaten the Scorched Earth play more often.