Just a fun experiment, based on the old Denial and Destruction deck that I had a lot of fun with in the pre-MWL days. The basic idea is to use Criminal one-shot access events and breakers to set yourself up for a cheap Apocalypse that resets you to the powerful Gabe early-game. I highly recommend the description on the Denial and Destruction deck for general notes on the game plan.
Obviously, with MWL and a whole cycle, the metagame has shifted towards asset-heavy decks, and recursion has become much more powerful. So, I've had to shift the deck away from a headlock early-game toward more of a ramp strategy that uses the early economic advantage to set up for the Apocalypse. I've also switched Mongoose for Alias, which allows me to force remote ICE rezzes without worrying about losing my rig. 3 Faeries help make the Apocalypse turn less taxing and support early aggression. Adding a Levy and Independent Thinking lets me recycle breakers to make sure I don't get locked out post-Apocalypse. Play CBI Raid for extra giggles on the Apocalypse turn. It can also combo with Fisk Investment Seminar. This will make you lots of friends.
This deck absolutely loses to IG Bio-Ethics lock. But so does basically everything, so you might as well have enjoy the other matchups.
Have fun!
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