Help needed: Weyland Transaction Glacier with Ambushes

Krams 949

I'm publishing this deck in hopes for some tipps to tweak it. I've testplayed it on and lost far more games than I've won, but I can't really put a finger on what's the greatest weakness.


This deck is my oldest deck and has gone through a lot of different versions, testing different approaches for card distribution, econ stability or ICE setup. It started out as only Agendas + Transaction Operations + ICE, nothing else. Well, I couldn't get it to work. Previous versions of the deck featured some nice litte ICE like Chum, Ireress or Troll, some heavy hitters like Orion, Enforcer 1.0, Assassin or Flare, some more Transaction Operations like Successful Demonstration, Paywall Implementation or Blue Level Clearance and for a short time I even tried some Upgrades like Cyberdex Virus Suite, Experiential Data and Satellite Grid. Unfortunately, I had to put a lot of good stuff out, because the deck was too big and unconsistent and I needed to free up influence for ambushes.

Maybe future versions could replace one Witness Tampering with an Exposé and maybe sneak in a Shattered Remains somehow.


The general idea is to play a shell game behind a glacier. To do that, first guard your HQ and R&D, then build up a scoring remote and use it randomly for advancable ambushes and agendas alike. You will loose some agendas this way, but you'll hit some ambushes as well. Especially if the Runner doen't realize it's a shell game until he hits the first trap. This can really throw him back, opening a scoring window or leave you room to breathe and throw in a Melange in your scoring server as needed. I had games where I used a single Melange up to three times before it got trashed, giving me the economy advantage needed to seal up all three servers. Howard is added to do what Howard does.

The ICE suite is meant to give you a little bit of everything, offering some cheap ICE for early game as well as heavy taxing ICE for late game. Some binary ICE to simply stop the runner as well as some unexpected surprises to throw in between. The type and strenght of the ICE is well distributed to make spezialized breakers less useful.

21 Sep 2015 UminWolf

Why all 1 of ICE? This seems like it would make the deck very very inconsistent. Also, I don't believe you need Melange Mining Corp. in this style of deck.

But the biggest thing that I would change is make consistent ICE. 3 of some things, 2 of others, maybe a couple of 1 of's

21 Sep 2015 StarryVeck

I agree with the above. Especially when looking at some of the very specific ice, such as Archer, Builder and Checkpoint. To me, these are cards you should be building your deck around to some degree, though you seem to just have them in there as something nice to have. If you see a way that Checkpoint is going to work, why not increase your chances of making that thing happen by putting another copy in?

And yeah, ditch Melange Mining Corp.. Make it so if it's going into a server you can advance it and always be playing mindgames with your opponent.

I'd perhaps consider Ireress over Witness Tampering too. Unless Yog.0 is out that card does some good work when you have 3-4 BP, and stays good if you manage to accrue more.

22 Sep 2015 Krams

Thank you for the tipps, I'll try it out. I was thinking that having different ICE would help me adjust to the Breakers as needed.

23 Sep 2015 Krams

My current test version looks like this:

20 Oct 2015 ANRguybrush

Hey do you still play this? You played this against me and it was kinda fun. I think spiderweb is probably stronger than ice/firewall and Restructure should be in here somewhere. Atlas should be a 3-of, it's so useful.