You can't refuse

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DrMarodi 320

Warning: untested idea!

Wouldn't it be sweet to scare the runner away early game, because of the possible economy advantage? Also having a winning point with Offer you can't refuse: run my four ice deep central with no clicks! Bioriod efficiency research is seem to be a win-win here.

What do you think?

12 Nov 2016 krystman

I think this is a good idea. Not so sure about the Offer. I think it could need an enforcer. Works great with Efficiency Research. I think it also needs a current or two.

13 Nov 2016 DrMarodi

@krystman I definetely will try Enforcer 1.0 out, and see how it will work. Time and testing will tell if An Offer You Can't Refuse will work out. Thx!