Founding King Arthur's Court 1.5

KingOfOdonata 216

So, after playing Grail Foundry at this years store Championships, I immediately fell in love with this ID. I've been toying around with The Foundry a bit recently trying new things, but I've inevitably come back to the Grail ICE.

The overall strategy is tax the runner and fast advance agendas yourself. SanSan City Grid and Biotic Labor are obvious includes for this strategy. SanSan City Grid also works nicely with Director Haas' Pet Project and Architect, and is generally too expensive for the Runner to trash.

My newest includes to The Foundry have been Cybernetics Court and Will-o'-the-Wisp, the later I should have included a long time ago. Will-o'-Wisp is a fantastic way to eliminate breaker problems, as well as tax them on time and credits even more. I always wanted better ways to remove breakers outside of ICE and Aggressive secretary, and this works wonders. And then Architect and Director Haas' Pet Project can bring it out again.

Cybernetics Court is a very recent include and fixes many problems The Foundry has, especially with Grail ICE. I remember too often having to discard cards that I'd much rather hold long term, or even be forced to install things just so I don't lose cards. And with its high trash cost, it fits perfectly with the theme of taxing in this deck. Oh, it also works great with Melange Mining Corp. and allows me to afford not installing for a turn or three.

The only other card at this moment I would like to try to include is Interns. I could see removing Peak Efficiency and maybe lower my agenda density for it. I could even see moving this deck away from fast advance with Midway Station Grid instead of SanSan.

19 Oct 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Midway Station Grid would be cool but you'd only be able to bring one (4 influence -- holy crap). You might look at Amazon Industrial Zone (really great against Blackmail, very synergistic with your ICE and your identity), Ruhr Valley (tax their as well as their ), or Hokusai Grid/Valley Grid (tax their cards as well as their ). Oaktown Grid effectively makes Melange Mining Corp. cost 5 to trash, and Cybernetics Court essentially untrashable.

Of course none of these are good options if you still want the FA option provided by SanSan City Grid, unless you add in something to replace it. Haas Arcology AI comes to mind, and no one ever expects it.

If you do re-tool your agendas to move further from FA, I'd consider slotting NEXT Gold, even just one or two copies. It is such a nasty surprise.