FoodCoats (E. cloi sucks) 1st at Hackaholics SC

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Jack Weyland 361

FoodCoats post MWL.

Just good cards. With the first round bye I piloted FoodCoats to 5-2 finishing 1st in swiss and 1st in elimination. I added +2 Little Engine as my Faust and David hate. Mediocre results in the SC took me back to +2 Tollbooth, -2 Little Engine.

Thanks for reading!

1 Mar 2016 cortexjackal

Good work man!

1 Mar 2016 coyotemoon722

E. cloi does indeed suck

1 Mar 2016 yeoda

with 2 tollbooth, 2 ichi 2.0, and 2 vikram - Do you find it hard to rez all of them in case runners are smart about trashing campaigns?

Excellent work bro.

1 Mar 2016 Jack Weyland

@cortexjackal Thanks!

@yeoda Yes. Cutlery Wiz is a very hard match-up. 2-1 at the SC. Both wins Wiz missed in R&D which allowed me to score the final agenda. Very close. With wiz I would spam campaigns behind a Little Engine or Vikram until Wiz gave up. It's a slug match for sure. Also. Turing a a central can slow down Faust enough to build up some cash and start scoring.

2 Mar 2016 Myriad

Is the Tollbooth/Little Engine worth the loss of Caprice?

2 Mar 2016 Jack Weyland

@Myriad I think so. With the addition of Vikram almost all of FoodCoats ice is very taxing to break. Rely on Ash and never advance tactics to find your windows,

2 Mar 2016 rwknoll

Any consideration for 1x Biotic Labor? I had that in my Foodcoats deck at my recent SC and it contributed significantly to all of my wins.

2 Mar 2016 Jack Weyland

@rwknoll Anarch is everywhere in my metta. I had to cut the biotic for a second CVS.

2 Mar 2016 wizzogomex11

@Jack Weyland How do you think it will fair against Dumbleforks? That seems like the local meta is heading towards around me?

3 Mar 2016 Jack Weyland

@wizzogomex11 It's a hard match-up. I went 2-1 on the day against Dumbleforks. I would first switch back to Tollbooth and spam sexbots behind Vikram or Tollbooth until the money comes in. Use CVS liberally. And watch closely for your windows. How many cards in hand? how many IHW in the bin? where is David? how many cards does Faust take to open the remote? Will Ash stop the runner? All good questions that will help find the windows. Also, never advance tactics help find windows. The match-up is hard. But very winable.

3 Mar 2016 153351

Killer deck. Mind talking a little bit more about how you'd run a "never advance" tactic with this deck?

3 Mar 2016 AsteriskCGY

The one time you run into Panchara/Gingerbread Kate.

3 Mar 2016 Jack Weyland

@153351 never advance strategy refers to installing agendas and passing turn without any advancements on them. Next turn you AAA to score the agenda. In FoodCoats you can bluff JH or CVS or a campaign as an agenda. Make the runner break all your taxing ice for nothing. Next turn the runner will have to draw back up (Faust) or money up to rebound from the taxing run. This gives you a one turn window to score and actual agenda.

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