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Welcome to Asgard. It is my deepest regret to inform you that you are not welcome here.
This is a new take on the Estelle Moon horizontal deck out of HB, with the added twist of an "unbreakable" ICE suite. I would not recommend taking this deck into a meta where AI strategies are common, it's kind of meant more as a thought experiment anyway. The assets are relatively standard, though not overly tuned at the moment. The small ICE suite makes enough room for some extra assets, which is nice. Some thoughts on just a few card choices.
The suite was one I'd been toying around with, wondering if it would work. The idea is that both Loki and Mother Goddess do not have base subtypes that can be broken outside of an AI breaker. If they only feed off of each other, neither gains a subtype, and neither can be broken with normal breakers. Since it would be hard to only protect 2 servers the entire game, Excalibur makes its appearance in order to protect R&D, HQ, and 1 scoring remote, should you need it. given the recycled Biotic Labors from all those suffering fools in the Clone Suffrage Movement, the remote should be the last server you set up, and only if needed. Otherwise, R&D plus HQ should get you through most games.
Again, pretty standard. This is definitely the place I need the most work, and could use suggestions. With so many free slots from only having 6 ICE, I almost don't know what to do with all my choices!
Just in case you DO run into some AI, we have a couple cards to assist. Hunter Seeker lets us get rid of that pesky AI breaker if it starts causing us problems. Cyberdex Virus Suite makes sure we don't get too down to Medium runs, and Crisium Grid helps us avoid some of those shenanigans from Siphons and other digs. Fortunately, thanks to our Friends in High Places, we can keep these sorts of things over time, and protect our selves ad nauseum.
This is my first real attempt at posting a strong deck. It has not been fully tested out, so I'd love to hear what people think of the idea. The biggest thing I will say is it is going to be very meta dependent. In other words, if you exist in a meta where there are fewer people playing AI strategies due to all the new great AI hate cards, take a chance on this deck. I think it has potential.
P.S: For those who don't get it, Loki is from Asgard, as is his mother goddess, Frigga, as is the keeper of the gates of Asgard, Heimdallr, who wields a mythic sword... Loki, Mother Goddess, Excalibur ;)
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